Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 521 - Little Corella

The Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea) is a small parrot that often occurs in large flocks in Melbourne during the winter.  They come down to feed on grassy areas like sports ovals and 'nature strips' (that's the grass by the side of the road!)  If they find street trees with seed pd still intact they will feed on these and make a heck of a mess on the road:  a mixture of shredded seed pods, leaves and small twigs will litter the ground under the trees.

They are also very playful, messing around with sticks, bits of litter (sadly) and each other.

These are some pictures from the last couple of years.

As ever, to join in with WBW, click on the big blue button below.  SM


  1. I love those birds! Thank you for sharing them

  2. I hope they are only playing..I'm not convinced..Hope you are well...

  3. I have never seen birds "playing " like that Stewart. Great action shots of them. Thanks for hosting and have a lovely week ahead

  4. You captured lots of interaction. Their numbers must indeed be large for them to be able to litter the roads in that manner.

  5. Those are some entertaining birds! Great photographs of the Corellas, Stewart.

    Based on personal experience, I can't tell if these images depict playing, fighting or courtship. Or is there a difference?

    Take good care!
