Sunday 23 December 2012

Macro Monday - Seasonal

The kids had a lot of fun - and we had a lot of cleaning up to do afterwards - and the annual Gingerbread making marathon got underway!

On a year by year basis the amount of flour that ends up on the floor does go down I sure - but at the time its hard to believe!

Hope your preparations are under control.

You can (may) find more close ups here - Macro Monday.

PS: Im posting this well ahead of the due date just to keep the decks clear


  1. Yummy cookies! Stewart, I am wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  2. how cute. would go really well with my morning coffee, stewart. :)

  3. Still plugging along, almost ready to head out of town. Cookies are baked! Pizzelles (waffle cookies) are a tradition in our family.

  4. Frohe Weihnachten wünsche ich dir.

    Herzliche Grüße von Mathilda ♥

  5. Nice cookies Stewart!Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  6. a great kids project; lovely photograph - have fun sampling and sharing...

  7. Merry Christmas, Stewart!
    We spent the day making cookies today with our youngest kids.
    The older ones just walked by & snitched at record-breaking pace. :)
    As I mentioned in my own Macro Monday post, I'm not sure if my preparations are all done, but Christmas will come & be enjoyed anyway!

  8. Happy Christmas and enjoy the cookies!

  9. Yum - love Christmas gingerbread. Merry Christmas from England!

  10. Beautiful macro - Hope your holiday and New Year is great!!

  11. Yummy macro ~ Happy Holidays to you and your family ~ ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor) aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^)

  12. Those cookies look good, Stewart! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

  13. These cookies look delicious! I know what you mean about the flour on the floor. I've come to see it as part of the decor!

  14. The clean up after the cookies and the gifts gets easier year to year. Our traditions include rice porridge, sauna and ham.

  15. What a yummy macro shot! Hope you had a great Christmas!
