Monday 16 March 2015

Wild Excitement

A while back I was contacted by an editor from Wild magazine in Australia (who also happened to be one of my former students!) about an interview for the magazine.

Well, today the interview went live, as they say!

So, why not pop over and have a look at what I had to say!  You can find the page here.  While you are there why not leave a comment, so the good folks at Wild will know you have visited!

You can find more pictures from around the world, and less shameless self-promotion at Our World Tuesday!  SM


  1. That was a good read Stewart! Congrats on the interview .

  2. Great interview Stewart; congratulations.

  3. Oh wow! How exciting. I'll take a look at the article right now.

    I have my own claim to fame. One of my blogs was featured in The Sun Newspaper.

  4. That's a terrific article, Stewart! I, for one, am so glad I stumbled across your blog. I enjoy it very much. It's entertaining, insightful, educational, at times thought provoking, and good photography to go along with it!!

  5. Hi, just discovered your blog and have spent a few minutes exploring. Lovely! I always enjoy seeing the work of fellow photogs!

  6. This is terrific, Stewart!!!

  7. Shamneless, maybe, but well worth the bragging rights. Great article (love the picture and the feet on the hat were perfect to test the observation powers of the readers). I loved the interview and your thoughts. You do have such insight into what is important and your children are blessed to have you as their father, teacher and friend (as is your wife). Always knew you were a good guy ... now I have to be impressed with how smart you are are how deep your thought processes go. Oh my ... It is a pleasure having you in my life:)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. P.S. I am so grateful that I got my computer back in time to see this ... I would have hated missing it :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  9. Good on you mate. First it was Andrew now you with the interviews. Ah the not-so-rich and famous people we blog followers know.

  10. Congratulations! That's a great photo of you. What a huge camera!

  11. Right on Stewart! Great interview and read. I'm glad you have your blogs to share with us.

  12. You are now a regular celebrity! :) Great article, and I totally agree with you on finding the wildness in our everyday surroundings.

  13. Great interview Stewart..Congratulations..Your camera lens is amazing..Guess that has something to do with your fantastic pictures..Nice job..You should be proud!!

  14. A great read. Congrats!

  15. Fantastic Stewart... and very well deserved.

  16. Is Arctic Tern the name of your camera lens? Sorry Stewart couldn't resist that one. I suppose now you're famous I won't be seeing your name in my comments list.

  17. Well done Stewart - that's some serious photographic equipment you're toting there; no wonder you get such beautiful captures!

  18. Congratulations, Stewart! That's awesome!

  19. what a big camera.

  20. Congrats on the interview! I enjoyed reading it.

  21. Nice one Stewart. I enjoyed that a lot.

  22. How wonderful this opportunity had to have been for you~

  23. SOOO excited about your interview. It's wonderful! You can be proud of all you have contributed to the love of nature by those who follow you and by your own children.

  24. Congratulations Stewart. A marvellous read and great interview.

  25. Congratulations, Stewart! What an exciting "wild" life you've had.

  26. I read your post and the article on FB and thought it was wonderful; just realized that I only thought I told you so here on your blog! It was a great interview and well-deserved publication and proud to say 'i knew you when'. Thanks for sharing.

    I've always thought of urban parks and parklands as magical places, in a way more exciting to see wildlife there; always makes me feel like I know a secret spot; a feeling you don't get if you travel to (for instance) a National Park or ....

    And there are so many people who don't have a chance to travel far. So important. Thanks for expressing all this so articulately.

  27. How neat! Thanks for sharing the link with us!
