Tuesday 14 March 2017

A walk in the park

I spent last week in Jakarta, Indonesia. As ever, things were far more hectic than I anticipated - I must be a slow learner. This was the second trip in a month and I have to say I am looking forward to spending a few consecutive weeks at home!

On the morning of my last day in Jakarta I went for a walk around that National Monument Park - I was guided by a local bird guide, who is excellent.  Unfortunately from a birding point of view the park was very busy with preparations for some form of military display.  However, we did get to see Javan Pied Starling, which is a bit of a rarity.

Given that the birding was a bit quiet I took up my second hobby - photographing people (and cats).  I did not get any pictures of the 2000 or more soldiers there as most of them had a 'don't point that camera at me' face, and the 250+ people all dressed in red and dancing to the "Chicken Dance" was so surreal I was to stunned to do more than watch!

The National Monument

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. What an experience you had ~ great photos shared ~ but am sure you are glad to be home ~

    Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

  2. Ir is lovely when you can combines work and your hobbies Stewart

  3. je schetst hier een prachtig rieel beeld.

  4. What a unique experience. Great people watching ... I enjoy that hobby almost as often as I do birding, but sadly never get pictures. That cat looks healthy either in spite or because of its junk food diet.

  5. Sorry to hear that you suffered from intestinal disorders. That can sure take the pleasure out of a trip in a hurry. The last place I had that problem was in Ethiopia where sanitation is a mere word in the dictionary; there is certainly no hint of it in practice. But the birds were great!

  6. I've seen that face before. So to spite them, I wait till they turn around...delete the shot later bwa ha ha...

  7. People watching is the best, especially in another country.

  8. It looks like you had an interesting visit there. Nice photos Stewart! I love candids...
