Tuesday 20 June 2017

To raise a smile

Far too many things in the news of late that are human created catastrophes - physical, political and environmental.

These images from India made me smile for a while, but surely we can do better than the mess we are making at present.

All the pictures were taken in Agra.

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. They did make me smile. How can that last horse/donkey see with those tassels?

  2. Nice one Stewart, you are right we need more smiles, more laughter.
    All the best, Gordon.

  3. Hello, it does feel good to smile. Loved your photos, especially the parakeet.

    Happy Monday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  4. Thanks, I really enjoyed your images - and they did make me smile!

  5. What a colorful adornment on the horse. I am sure all the other horses are jealous!
    Have a great week!

  6. Thank you for the smiles.

  7. Such creative photos ~ love the water buffalo? ~ yes, agree the world is a big mess! ~ ^_^

  8. There is indeed plenty of human-engineered "mess" to be had. You have the right idea though - there are lovely, joyful things; we just have to search it out.
    Come share your photos at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2017/06/tidying-up-nest.html, please? It's open each week, all week long.

  9. "Mess" for sure..to put it mildly..Who knows where it will all end up? Scary to think about it..wonderful shots of the Parakeet..

  10. and it did make me smile, well done LOL. Cheers Diane

  11. I certainly did get a smile on my face. Thanks for that.
    I needed it!
