Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Wild Bird Wednesday 353 - Eastern Yellow Robin

When we were away at Lorne we were visited regularly by at least three Eastern Yellow Robins (Eopsaltria australis).

They (or at least one) seemed to like using the fire sprinkler near the front door as a hunting (and maybe display) post.  There was often a bird on this sprinkler, but it would take a long time for one to sit there if there were any people outside of the house.  Well, I was ready to wait a long time!

Although called a robin, this bird is not closely related to either the European or American robins.

As ever, you can join in with WBW by clicking on the link below - and also as ever, please feel free to share the love for WBW with other bloggers!  Cheers. SM

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Wild Bird Wednesday 352 - Australian King Parrot

We were visited by a small flock of Australian King Parrots (Alisterus scapularis) during our recent trip away to Lorne.  The house we rented was surrounded by rather impressive woodland - bush as they say here - and on one afternoon the King Parrots arrived looking for a feed.  Luckily, the 'bean bags' I often use to support my cameras are full of pearl barley, so I was able to oblige without much guilt!

Although it was fun to see the birds on the table, I think the best pictures are the ones in the trees.  The birds with red head are males - the full red heads being adults, those with patchy red are immatures.  The birds without red on the head are females.

As ever, you can join in with WBW by clicking on the link below - and also as ever, please feel free to share the love for WBW with other bloggers!  Cheers. SM

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Rainbows at Lorne

We spend last week in the hills behind Lorne - which is a town on the Great Ocean Road, a few hours from our house.  We arrived to be greeted by this rainbow.  In fact one formed in more or less the same place the next day as well.

I don't think it was a sign, but the whole trip was pretty relaxed.

I have to say, that for snap shots phones are pretty impressive cameras these days!

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Wild Bird Wednesday 351 - Superb Fairy-Wren

There seems to be a family of Superb Fairy-Wrens (Malurus cyaneus) in residence in one of the little patches of semi-native vegetation near my house.  Its not really the most peaceful place, with the freeway just the other side of a high wall, but beggars cannot be choosers!

My plan is to try to visit the site on a regular basis and keep an eye open for this group of birds.  One of the males in the group seemed to be developing some blue colour (a generic name for these birds - and a couple of other species is 'blue-wrens') - but I did not manage to get any decent images of that bird.

So, here is the first in what may become a series.

As ever, you can join in with WBW by clicking on the link below - and also as ever, please feel free to share the love for WBW with other bloggers!  Cheers. SM

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Wild Bird Wednesday 350 - Little Corella (Autumn 2)

One of the sure signs that autumn is here - or at least due - is the arrival of large flocks of Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea) to feed on acorns and such like from the street trees.

I found I flock of these birds feeding on a sports oval near my house.  As the birds were not too concerned about the presence of a person (although off lead dogs are not popular with the birds or me) I was able to get pretty close to the flock.  I was a perfect chance to try to very low angle shots, and for once I was pleased that we have not had much rain of late.

I feel sure that this species will show up in WBW or elsewhere on my blog again before autumn is over.

As ever, you can join in with WBW by clicking on the link below - and also as ever, please feel free to share the love for WBW with other bloggers!  Cheers. SM

PS: this is the 350th consecutive WBW I have posted!  I will pour myself a wine!
PPS: it seems that nobody had any issue linking in last week - which is good. I will pour myself a wine!

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Autumn 1 - Postbridge, UK

Last year I managed to catch up with some autumn colour on Dartmoor for a couple of days.  I was travelling with an old friend, and we stopped at Postbridge, a tiny hamlet consisting of just a few houses, a pub (it was too early to check it out), a shop and two well known bridges.

The oldest of the bridges is a very well preserved example of a 'clapper bridge' which is thought to have been built in the 13th century! The other bridge is much more modern - being built in the 1780s!

Things tend to have a bit of history in the UK!

Clapper bridge closest to camera

Clapper bridge closest to camera

The modern (!) bridge

The clapper bridge

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.