Monday 13 April 2020

Water Buffalo

These are feral Buffalo from Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory.  Water buffalo were imported to Australia in the 19th century to supply meat to remote northern settlements. The settlements and their buffalo were abandoned in 1949.

These animals are actually a pest, and can cause a great deal of damage to vegetation, especially in the areas where they wallow.

All that being said, I think that they are pretty magnificent animals.

I also like all the egrets that have gathered around them, searching for insects and such like.

These pictures look a lot better bigger - so click on the image for a better view!

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.  Cheers  SM


  1. Hari OM
    They are impressive beasties, are they not?!! YAM xx

  2. These buffaloes may be pests but I am glad to have seen them in your photos. And glad to have been introduced to the landscape around them too. I'm wondering how well they tolerate the constant accompaniment of so many egrets. Do you know if the buffalo are pleased that the insects are being eaten or is is it a matter of indifference to them?

  3. They really are impressive creatures, Stewart. Their entourage of egrets is guaranteed to make a birder happy.

  4. I love how birds are such opportunists!

  5. We've never seen Water Buffalo but on one trip to the Arctic took a taxi out into the tundra and saw two Muskox. That was a very exciting experience even though they were too far away for a good photograph with my little camera. The driver warned us not to go close because they can be very agressive. - Margy

  6. Easy to see how that they could cause a lot of damage! Nice to see the Egrets, too. They look much like the Cattle Egrets 'Bubulcus ibis' we have here (USA).

  7. Amazing horns!
    All the best, Stewart.

  8. Interesting, I did not realise that that there were Water Buffalo in Australia despite the fast they are not native to the country. Hope all is well, cheers Diane

  9. Fantastic! They look like linebackers of the animal world. Love the stout, wide horns!

  10. Such powerful animals! A bit awe-inspiring.
    Thank you for sharing at
