Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Wild Bird Wednesday 407 - Orange-footed Scrubfowl

They say that some birds - parrots for example - are highly intelligent.  I suspect that this will never be said about the Orange-footed Scrubfowl (Megapodius reinwardt).  Oh well.

If you have a close look at the last picture, I think its pretty clear these really are dinosaurs - probably velociraptors!

These pictures were taken in parks in Darwin.  Crazy looking bird.

As ever you can join in with WBW by clicking on the link below - and also as ever, please feel free to share WBW with other bloggers.

Stay safe, and stay home.  SM


  1. Megapodes do look primitive, but their life style is surely fascinating.

  2. Hari OM
    ... almost a walking cartoon, so out of proportion!!! YAM xx

  3. They do look like chunky little velociraptors! LOL! Very cool birds!

  4. They may not be as smart, but I find them charming. Nice meeting.
    Take care of yourself, Stewart.

  5. They really are a link to the raptors by the look of them!

  6. What an oddly proportioned bird. The legs and body are so difference in size from the head. Isn't evolution wonderful?

  7. Lovely pictures of a funny bird :-))

  8. Proof that God has a sense of humor!

  9. That bird looks like it was put together by a committee. Those in charge of the head and legs should have gotten together with each other!

  10. These guys are great! Love the photos!

  11. Those feet look over sized for this bird. He does resemble a dinosaur!

  12. Interesting shape! Thank you for hosting.

  13. Interesting bird and one that is new to me. Keep well Diane

  14. Stewart, while you referred to it as a "crazy bird", I think it's very attractive...black/brown, very unique and interesting head piece if I do say so myself (Do you think I'm loosing it being cooped up????)....:)jp
