Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Wild Bird Wednesday 446 - Great Egret

Hi there - with luck by the time you read this I will have actually visited and commented on your blogs!  These are very strange times - and I do not like them.

On a much better note this is a Great Egret (Ardea alba) is the tallest Egret in Australia and at certain times of the year can be found over anywhere in the country. It can be as tall as a 1m and has a wing span of abut 1.5 meters.  By all measures it's a large bird. 

This bird was splitting its time between fishing and posturing at another of its kind in the waters just outside of Mamukala hide in Kakadu National Park.  Unfortunately, the two birds never came close enough to each other to get a good picture of both.  Oh well.

You can also see a couple of Magpie Geese in the background.

To join in with WBW, click on the Blue Button below.  Cheers  SM



  1. Great egrets are such elegant birds.

  2. I'm not a fan of these times either..I have become so antisocial...very sad..I keep saying that I am so glad that I am old.I feel so sorry for the younger generation and the kids..I fear our "good times" are over..Glad I had them..I've never seen an Egret that tall..Great shots, Stewart..

  3. PS...No Birdies to share this week..Sorry

  4. I have been trying to identify the waterfowl behind the egret, but there's just not enough detail. Any ideas?

    1. The birds in the background are Magpie Geese. cheers. SM

  5. The shadows create such great pictures of the bird.

  6. Pretty Great! Always striking to see. Thank You!

  7. Nice shots of this beautiful Egret.. Be safe.. :-)))

  8. Hari Om
    I love the slow takes of the head lift! YAM xx (howzit down there? Strange times are here to stay I suspect.)

  9. I did not realize that this species is distributed globally. As a symbol of USA success in conservation after being decimated by the feather trade, I now wonder if it was likewise exploited over its entire range. This morning I had a beauty fly in through dense fog-- white on white, not good for photography but very dramatic.

  10. Very elegant birds and wonderful reflections Stewart. we, this year have had a number visit N.I and we are hoping sometime they wil stay and breed like the Little Egret did. Thanks for hosting, stay safe and have a good week.

  11. Always a pleasure to see these beautiful birds!
    Have a blessed day!

  12. I love it when you can capture not only the bird but its watery reflection. Very nice, Stewart.

  13. Hi, the Great Egret is realy a beautiful bird!

  14. I don't know why but I love to watch the ducks and geese flip upside down to get their supper. It makes me laugh everytime. Nice shots!

  15. Hello Stewart
    very, very beautiful I like the reflection very much
    Greetings Frank
