Tuesday 18 January 2022

Red (and Blue) Kangaroo

"The Red Kangaroo (Osphranter rufus) is the largest of all kangaroos, the largest terrestrial mammal native to Australia, and the largest extant marsupial".

So says Wikipedia, and who am I to argue.

These Kangaroos were photographed in the Wyperfeld National Park - which is in the NW of Victoria.  This part of the state is badged as Victoria's Outback - and it does have the feel of a more remote and dry part of the world.

The redder of these 'roos is the male and the one with the greyer chest is the female.  The females can look very blue/grey at times and are often called "Blue Fliers".  Males are called Big Reds!

The males are an impressive beast to say the least - Males can have a head-and-body length of 1.3–1.6 m (4.3–5.2 ft) and the tail adds up to 1.2 m (3.9 ft) to the total length.

You can see more pictures from around the world at Wordless Wednesday and Our World Tuesday.


  1. Gosh they are marvelous! Thank you for sharing Stewart

  2. Great photos Stewart. The last photo makes it look as though it has been put together with odds and ends yet when you see one moving they look magnificent.

  3. It doesn't get much more Australian than this.

  4. Hari OM
    Oh that was a fix I didn't realise I needed till it came at me! Ta Stewart... YAM xx

  5. gorgeous, all of them. favourite - the second - observing you with a toothpick in its mouth :-)

  6. They look curious. I love the action shot! Great one!

  7. Interesting to learn more about them. Such wonderful photos!

  8. Fantastic shots!

    I love kangaroos!

  9. Great photos. They look so alert and interested to see what you are doing!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2022/01/seen-on-blue-ridge-parkway.html

  10. Interesting. I remember seeing a kangaroo as a small child. It was in a zoo but not in the cage because it was allowed to walk (hop) around among the visitors. I was fascinated.

  11. Mam spore zaległości. Wzdycham przy każdym reportażu. Idę dalej. Dziękuję za te emocje!
