Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 502 - Australian Pelican

The Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus) is a bird that is hard to miss when it's about.  Loafing on the shore, flying in the sky or perching on polls, they dominate any place they choose to be.

Here are some of my favourite picture of Pelicans. 

Hope everyone is well and that the birds are treating your well. 

As every to join in with WBW click on the blue button below.  SM


  1. Hari OM
    They are such characters... YAMxx

  2. Preening with that beak looks challenging though not to them!

  3. Great images of the Pelicans Stewart. Thanks for hosting take care and have a great week ahead

  4. What a wonderful bird is the pelican .... d

    Sounds like it acts exactly like its American cousins -- a little goofy looking, a little bit loud, and very much present! Thanks for hosting.

  5. Pelicans can be so fascinating and colorful! I love these guys.

  6. Great bird well shown, Stewart!

  7. Beautiful pictures of Pelican. Nice to see them in different actions.

  8. I was fascinated by the pelicans when I was in Cairns.

  9. That last photo is so artful! Pelican flocks fly with such precision, despite thie ungainly look when on the ground.

  10. Great photos! My favorite is the second one!

  11. It is beautiful when it flies!

  12. Beautiful pictures! We have brown pelicans here in Florida.

  13. I'm always amazed such a large, ungainly-looking bird on the ground can actually fly!

    Your series of photographs is really superb, Stewart!

    We're blessed here in west Florida with both American White and Brown Pelicans. It's fascinating to watch the different feeding techniques of the two species. White's tend to "herd" schools of fish into an ever-tightening circle where they are then easy to pick off. Brown's tend to fly around until a school is spotted then crash into the water and scoop up as much as they can.

    All is really good around here and we hope the same is true for you!

  14. Doskonały reportaż ze spotkania z pelikanami. Ja widziałam tylko w zoo. Ponoć kilka razy ktoś zaobserwował w Polsce pelikana różowego.
