Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 507 - Pink Cockatoo / Major Mitchell's cockatoo

I took these pictures earlier this year when I was in the North West of Victoria in the area called The Mallee.  The Pink Cockatoo (Lophochroa leadbeateri) is generally a bird of the arid or semi-arid parts of Australia, and The Mallee is the closest Victoria gets to having a classic 'outback' kind of environment.

I took these pictures on a very grey day, and if there was ever a time when I have enjoyed being able to see the images I am taking straight away it was on that day.  I was able to mess with the exposure until I could get it more or less right.  I also was surprised how close I got to the birds - using the car as a hide - and in fact I ended up with 'too much' lens.  That is a situation I am not used to!

So, the Pink Cockatoo is about the same size as the more familiar Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo, and also much less vocal.  

They are truely wonderful birds.

There is a visiting Galah in two of these images.

This final image relies on a bit more manipulation than normal.  These two birds would not look off to one side at the same time, so I took the chance to try a method of blending two images.  I like it, as it does look as 'over-cooked' as some photoshopped images.  Would you have known it was a blended image?

Anyway, to join in with WBW click on the link below.  SM


  1. Hari OM
    The answer to that last is 'no'! I love all the cockatoos and these have all the character of their cousins, but with a measure all their own... YAM xx

  2. Yes a beautiful bird indeed and really quite like the SCC except for the colour. Thanks for hosting and have a great week ahead

  3. These really are fabulous birds

  4. The colours in those wings are spectacular. Such gorgeous creatures.

  5. Hello Stewart,:=) Fabulous pictures of this very pretty bird.

  6. I would not have guessed Photoshopped if you hadn't said so. Delightful birds!

  7. Precioso reportaje, me han gustado mucho todas las fotos. Saludos desde el norte de España.
