Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 514 - Common Bronzewing

The Common Bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera) is one of Australia's commonest pigeons - they can be found in a wide range of habitats.  In fact they occur over much of Australia, and only avoid areas that are short of water.

This male bird was feeding around a footpath in one of my local parks.  I was there in the late afternoon, and the low sun was perfect for highlighting the wing feathers that give it its name.  Like many birds, these are not the easiest to get close to: but this one seemed a little more relaxed than many.  Maybe it's the constant foot traffic through the area - but whatever the reason this bird did not fly off into the distance at the first excuse.

As ever, to join in with WBW please click on the link below.  Cheers  SM


  1. Hari Om
    Lush! One can never tire of sharing time even with the most frequent of bird visitors, particulary when seeing them in (literally) a different light! YAM xx

  2. A beautiful showy wing on this one!

  3. Most impressive gilding Stewart

  4. Most species of pigeon seem to be very good at adapting to changing habitats. And I'm amazed at how many different species there are! You just added another one to my list.

    What a beauty! You certainly took advantage of good light to show off some fantastic plumage!

    Hope all is well, Stewart. We're about to enter the "wet season". Heat, humidity, mosquitoes. It's okay. I'm crazy enough to actually like it.

  5. They look very much like our less colorful Mourning Doves..I love the coloring on its wings..Great photos.
    I hope you are feeling better..I have no birdies to share this week..!

  6. Quite a colorful exception in the family of mostly somber pigeons and doves. Nice images point out the subtleties in plumage details

  7. Looks like the mourning dove that serenades us here in the evening with its mournful song.

  8. Glad the bird posed for you. I love all those colors.

  9. The light certainly picked up the bronze in his wings Stewart. Thanks for hosting and have a great week ahead.

  10. What a lovely bird!! Hope you and the family are doing better.

  11. It’s fancier than our pigeons.

  12. Hello Stewart,
    I remember this bird, it is beautiful. Bravo for all these beautiful colors.
    Indeed, it seems to me that when I went to Birdsland Reserve the species was not very shy.
    Very nice series.

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