Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Wild Bird Wednesday 303 - Galah

It been a very, very busy week - so this week's WBW is rather more of a photo-essay than anything else.

These birds are Galahs (Eolophus roseicapilla) which were feeding on a sports oval.  The bird with the grey looking head is a young bird.

As ever, to link to WBW just click on the blue button below!  SM


  1. the galah was a bird I found quite hard to photograph. We saw it quite often but in places we were not welcome to enter. So they were too far off for great shots. Love to see yours.

  2. Yet another gorgeous Australia bird. Thanks for hosting and have a good week Stewart.

  3. Such rich raspberry red! Nice series and thanks for hosting!

  4. Hari OM
    Gotta love a gaggle of galahs... YAM xx

  5. So beautiful bird! And so unusual for the area where I live)))
    Have a good day! Catherine

  6. As always a picture is worth a thousand words.

  7. It would be wonderful to have a flock of these in the neighborhood -- they are beautiful birds. Thank you for hosting.

  8. Great photos of some pretty birds Stewart!

  9. Das ist ja ein wundervoller Vogel.
    Schön, wenn man solche Tiere sehen und beobachten kann.
    Tolle Aufnahmen sind dir gelungen.
    Liebe Grüße

  10. Great series of galah shots.

  11. Hi Stewart, even in your busyness you manage to produce special and beautiful birds to share with us. Thanks for hosting this meme. Greetings Jo

  12. Colorful!
    Thanks for hosting WBW!

  13. Those are beautiful birds! Would love to see one in person someday. I'm not going to be around to make comments until next week, but wanted to post anyway. Have a wonderful week.

  14. Beautiful birds..kinda look like Parakeets..Thanks for hosting..

  15. Are their heads actually pink or is that my imagination. They are beautiful ... colors you could decorate your bedroom with, Ha! So many different parrot families in Australia, but this a another first for me. It took me three tries to post this week. I failed to realize there was a "privacy" requirement. But, once my brain zeroed in on it( who knows why), I checked the boxes and here I am ... Phew! So it must be really hard and time consuming for you to keep this blog going ... I don't think I have thanked you in awhile, so THANK YOU, STEWART it has been and still is a trip sharing with you :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  16. wow.... and I thought my little Red Polls had some red on them....these guys beat them by a country mile....

  17. I remember seeing a lot of these when we were in Australia. Have a good weekend Diane

  18. Always so fun to watch the 'toos! I hope things get back to "normal" for you soon, Stewart!

  19. Extraordinary lovely birds Stewart - what a thrill to see them in the wild.
