Wednesday 30 May 2018

Wild Bird Wednesday 305 - Little Corella (Part 1) - On the Ground

It's a sure sign (at least to me) that autumn has arrived when the flocks of Little Corellas (Cacatua sanguinea) return to feast on the seeds of out street trees.

Little Corellas (and Corellas in general) are part of the broader parrot group - and as a result they are smart, comical and noisy.  In the case of this species, very noisy.

These birds are part of a flock of at least 100 or more birds that were feeding on Liquid Amber seeds. They were reasonably cooperative - but once again, my car acted as a good hide and once again I was laughed at by passers by for lying flat on my stomach, with a camera, in a public place.

I really like the shots of the bird on its back, playing with the seed pod.

As ever you can join in with WBW by clicking the blue button below the thumbnails.

(There have been some issues with Blogger over the last week, with notifications of comments not being emailed to blog owners - so my apologies if I have missed visiting your blog!)

Cheers - SM.


  1. I alwys think these birds are very comical Stewart. great images of them and thanks for hosting . Have a lovely week.

  2. Oh wow, Stewart. Is this bird for real? Such exotic markings around its eyes and then to lie on its back and play with a pod while you photograph it! What a lovely post! Thanks for sharing and also for hosting this meme. I'm trying to get back and be a regular contributor to your blog. Have a great day. Jo

  3. It’s. a beautifully attractive, playful species - probably in rehearsal for my visit!

  4. Can't make up my mind which is funnier Stewart. You lying flat on your belly with a cocked camera or the parrot lying flat on its back. OK, you win!.

  5. strange. I can´t remember the beautiful blue feature around the eyes. But ofcourse I was never that close to the bird. Love your shots. :)

  6. What cute birds! Great pics!

  7. Fantastic captures. I’ve never seen a bird on its back like that unless it was a dead one.

  8. What fun they appear to have a lot of character. Cheers Diane

  9. Lovely pictures of these funny birds.. Cheers

  10. They're gorgeous! Love the eyes! It's funny how they'll lay on their backs!

  11. You obtained some great portraits. That one on its back is hilarious!

  12. Wonderful shots of the Little Corella. You have truly captured the essence of them.

  13. Hello Stewart,
    I am linking up this week as well. Thanks for your kind hosting.
    Your Corella is a smart new type of parrot to me!
    Nice to see it.

  14. Wonderful, beautiful photos!

  15. Stewart, Little Corella, what a active beauty. Thanks for sharing.

  16. So cute! I love it lying on its back!

  17. What cutie pies. You got some awesome shots there.

  18. They're darling! I love the one on it's back...looks like he's playing with the leaves!

  19. Stewart you are so lucky that these little guys seem to stay around and pose for gorgeous photos! Unlike my very shy Brown Thrasher!

  20. Blogger is giving everyone fits..I guess we are all in the same boat.. Adorable little birds..great shots

  21. Such unique little creatures!!

  22. What wonderful birds - pristine white with lovely blue eyes. I enjoyed your photo story of the bird at play - well worth lying flat on the ground in a public place!

  23. Great looking birds and it’s only just dawned on me that it will be Autumn for you down there. We do all sorts of things that people don’t realise to get our shots. Good work.

  24. Watching them hopefully gave you as many smiles as your pix gave me, Stewart!...:)JP
