Tuesday 8 May 2018

Eastern Grey Kangaroo

These Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) were loafing about on the football oval at Halls Gap in the Grampians.  They gather there in (surprisingly) large numbers most days and are a bit of a tourist attraction really.

These are the most abundant - some would say over abundant - in my neck of the woods.  In some places where they are fed by tourists, they can become rather aggressive, especially when they are trying to get food.  As with many other wild animals, some people seem to forget that they are wild and not zoo animals.  A number of people have been hurt by this type of 'roo - slashed with the claws on the back legs. As you can see from the pictures, these claws are not small!

More pictures from around the world at Our World Tuesday.  SM


  1. Never really thought about how tame looking those kangaroos are. Are they even skittish when you get near?

  2. Must say they look very menacing the way they are looking at the camera.

  3. They look like carpetbaggers, don't they?

    (uh, that expression may be US only)

  4. I have nothing but very fond memories of the many encounters I had with kangaroos when I visited Australia twenty years ago. I never considered them anything but wild animals and treated them as such. We have idiots here in Canada who feed bears, sometimes with disastrous results - then, of course, the bear has to be euthanized. Too bad the bears couldn’t decide to euthanize the people!

  5. Great photos!
    I like the next to last one best
    Have a wonderful week!

  6. And no need for a trail camera to get photos of this amazing animal. Wow!

  7. Great set of photos. We have a small group that visit regularly and are very welcome. The dogs bark but wisely keep their distance. They are really scary when they get upset.

  8. I love these photos of the grey kangaroos and even the close up of their 'unmanicured' claws. It's so true that people confuse wild life with their pets or even their teddy bears and are surprised when they get scratched or bitten.

  9. One of the things I miss in France is the absence of larger wild animals. Plenty of sanglier and deer around but because of the hunting seldom seen. There is a small population of bears in the Pyrenees. There are also a few wolves which are in the South of France. The government has said they must be allowed to breed until it is a bigger pack much to the disgust of the local farmers!! Take care Diane

  10. Such a handsome fellow! Wonderful photos!

  11. they have a way of looking very lazy :) Love the shot of its feet :)

  12. People definitely should not feed them! Look at those claws! And I have seen videos of some attacking people...they are so strong! But you got some really wonderful photos of them. They look so cute and just "laid back"....Loved seeing this post of this unique wildlife from your area (I also always love seeing the wombats! :-) )

  13. This such a perfect post for Our World -- a look at your unique part of it! They are so interesting! Feeding wildlife is not only bad , but beyond-stupid. And yet ... on our recent day trip in the Everglades there were signs saying 'feeding alligators is against the law'..... in this case as with the kangaroos ... or bears in Yellowstone, say .... you almost feel like if anyone is that stupid they deserve their fate. Except it is always the wildlife that gets blamed.

  14. I would be very tempted to walk up and per them..Probably not a great idea..Wonderful pictures..

  15. Wow, those claws really are something! However, I always get a smile out of seeing 'roos lying down, lolling about on the grass, looking content and hard to move! I love these photos.
    Thanks for sharing.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  16. I am so glad I didn't miss this post! They look like such cute critters, but I would fear those claws!
