Monday 4 February 2013

Our World Tuesday - Bottlenose Dolphins

When we were away in Tasmania we took a wonderful boat trip around the Freycinet Peninsula.  The trip had the combined goals of great scenery and great wildlife.  It provided both.

Regulars will have already seen some of the albatross we encountered.

But this post is about the Bottlenose dolphins we encountered as well. I've been fortunate enough to see dolphins and porpoises in a number of places around the world.  When I lived in Ireland I used to see them almost every day.  But on this trip I think I saw more dolphins in one day than I even have before.  At one time there was a pod of these mammals spread over an area of over 500 m and everywhere you looked the water was breaking with fins.  I have no idea how many individuals were in the pod - but its safe to say there were lots!

Here are some of the (many) pictures I took during the trip:

I have one image (which is not great in some ways) where you can see at least 9 dolphins in from of the boat.  It was one of those "David Attenborough" kind of moments.

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. They are such beautiful and fascinating creatures. So many wonderful action shots. I think they like interacting with humans.

  2. I love the dolphins ... they are so active and playful and clever when they hunt. We used to see them in the Gulf by Florida when my parents were still alive. What a treat and I especially like the one face on (though veiled with spashing water). They always look like they have a smile on their face ... like they know something we don't, hmmmm. Great shots, Stewart!

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  3. What wonderful photos Stewart. I love dolphins and to see so many at one time in the wild is just awesome.

  4. These are great shots, Stewart! I do love the dolphins! Hope you have a good week!

  5. Wonderful pictures. Seeing dolphins is always such a gift.

  6. lovely! it's always hard to get photos that don't just turn out to be water rather than dolphins! One January I saw a young humpback whale in the same spot that should have been down south.

  7. They're such attractive animals!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. Ah, great captures, Stewart. Several times I've seen a school of dolphins, standing on the beach, but too far to take good pics. They always seem to have so much fun!

  9. Incredible!!! How wonderful to get to see these amazing creatures! I would love to see so many some day myself. Speaking of albatross, when we lived on Midway Island they nested on the ground in our yard. They were everywhere.

  10. By thee eck lad, lovely post. We spent hours last Summer off Cornwall getting sicker my the second waiting to see dolphins but didn't see a single one, not even a seal. Looks like you had a very successful day, great pictures.

  11. Dolphins are so cute and smart too! So cool to be able to see large groups of the dolphins. Loved the photos!

  12. Hi Stewart!Here i am,i came to see the dolphins!!Wow!!I have seen dolphins in the area i live!I was fishing with my hub!I love them!!!What a wonderful experience you had!!Your photos are amazing!Great shots!!Thanks for sharing!!Have a lovely day!My love to Melbourne!!

  13. Magnificent shots as always ~ Wow!

    Carol of: (A Creative Harbor) ^_^ ~ artmusedog and Carol on blogger

  14. What a fun trip that must have been. And the dolphins were so close to the boat. Lovely shots.

  15. Oh, these are terrific Stewart! It's always exciting to see dolphins!

  16. They are wonderful shots Stewart. Who can't love a dolphin? They are such marvelous creatures.

    I would love to see them in the ocean like this. I have seen whales while living in Maine but never dolphins!

  17. Great photos of some amazing creatures! We are lucky enough to have many of them in our area also.

  18. Lovely shots! They are a delight to watch!

  19. I really enjoyed your photos! This is probably the closest I'll ever get to dolphins. :)

    Have a nice day!

  20. Dolphins are amazing in so many ways.
