Sunday 3 February 2013

Macro Monday - Dainty Swallow Tail

Last week H was having a post dinner bounce on the trampoline when he declared "Look, a huge moth".  Well, apart from the moth being a butterfly, he has a point.

Sitting just above the start of the render on the back of the house was Dainty Swallow Tail - although I only found that out after I had taken the pictures.  Most people keep step ladders in the shed or garage to change light globes or paint the ceiling.  I keep them to take macro shots half way up the walls of our  house.

So, the Dainty Swallow Tail (Papilio anactus) is widespread down the east side of Australia.  Even if you know what your doing tts hard to tell if this is a male of female, so I won't embarrass myself.

Strangely, it was still resting there on the wall the next morning.  It was still alive, it flapped its wings when I gave it a gentle poke!

You can find more macro images at Macro Monday.

Enjoy the close ups.


  1. Lovely shots of the Swallowtail. They are pretty. Have a great day, Stewart!

  2. Beautiful images of a lovely butterfly, Stewart!

  3. really beautiful! i liked your explanation of your ladder. :)

  4. Stewart, these are amazing!! In addition to a handy ladder it also helps to have another set of eyes. Beautiful shots.

  5. Hallo Stewart!Very preety butterfly!Great shots!!Have a lovely week!Dimi..

  6. That's a wonderful photo, Stewart.

    Thanks for your comment on my Wordless Wednesday post. I was thrown aback by two of the respondents who, well, should have exercised some restraint. But this is our world.....

  7. Beautiful shots of a lovely creature Stewart. Hubbers won't let me climb to get the best shots. I could capture brilliant sunsets if I could get on the roof!

  8. Gorgeous shots of the beautiful butterfly. Please be careful climbing those ladders. I'm afraid of heights and I try to avoid them at all costs.

  9. It's just lovely! Thanks for your encouragement....I will return to WBW as often as I can!

  10. What a beautiful butterfly! I'm glad you keep that ladder handy.

  11. Now that is so beautiful! Great photos as well.

  12. Such a beautiful butterfly!
