Thursday, 19 February 2015

Bottlenose Dolphins

On the same trip that yielded the bird and seascape shots from the last post, we encountered a pod of Bottlenose Dolphins.  If you have not looked at that post, the boat trip was around the end of the Freycient Peninsula, with lunch at Wineglass Bay.

They came and played in the bow wave at the front of the boat - it was great to see them effortlessly keeping up with the boat and spinning in the waves.

The hull of the boat was very strongly curved, so the dolphins were actually back behind the line of the deck 'fence'.  This meant I had to lean a rather long way out over the side of the boat to get these shots - to was not comfortable, and rather stomach churning to say the least.

You can see more animals from around the world at Saturday Critters (although it may not be Saturday with you yet, and if the truth be told it's still Thursday here!)


  1. Dat is heel mooi het water zo helder daar??

  2. Looks like you could have easily swum with the dolphins.

  3. Awesome captures, Stewart. They are such cute mammals.. I love seeing them, they look like they are racing the boat.. have a happy day!

  4. What fun! The closest I've come to that is whale watching in a boat in Newfoundland. It's good that you expose your children to so many experiences.

  5. Oh I love that!! The colors of the ocean, and the dolphins are always so awesome.

  6. Oh, I do love the dolphins!! Terrific captures, Stewart!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Cool. They are having fun.

  8. Spectacular images of swimming dolphins.
    Very well photographed, Stewart, my compliments.
    Best regards, Irma

  9. Glad you sacrificed to get those shots..They are spectacular !!Beautiful waters..

  10. Oh how wonderful to see those two..I would be enchanted!

  11. Wonderful underwater shots (be careful out there)! I've been trying to get manatee pictures, but they just look like blobs under the surface. (WEll, that's kinda' how they look anyway, but unidentifiable blobs in my pictures). Anyway. Great pics and I forgot to say on the earlier post that your bird shots were great too. A great trip altogether!

  12. Dolphins bow riding have been some of my favourite wildlife encounters. Great work on getting these shots.

  13. What a great adventure! They always bring a smile!

  14. These are amazing shots! How fun to see dolphins so close.

  15. Love it!!! Dolphins anywhere are so cool. Looks like a nice trek out.

  16. Wow Stewart, what a thrill for you!! Amazing photos - thanks for sharing.
    A great trip indeed :D)

  17. What great shots, Stewart!! I want to swim with the dolphins someday :)

  18. I have yet to see Dolphins for real, but for now these awesome shots of those wonderful creatures will do :)

  19. Great pictures of the dolphins. I'd love to be able to see them like you did. That must have been a wonderful experience.

  20. Wonderful photos of the dolphins! They're amazing critters.

  21. Hello Stewart, stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy day!

  22. Definitely worth the stomach crunch! :-) You got some great photos! I love how the dolphins seem to feel akin to us. It makes you love them all the more!

  23. Fantastics creatures.. Love it.. Cheers..
