Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Wild Bird Wednesday 356 - Red-Rumped Parrot

When I photographing the herons from last week, a small parrot flew into one of the bushes near where I was standing.

Once I managed to track in down I identified it as a Red-Rumped Parrot (Psephotus haematonotus) which is common enough in my area, but I normally see them on sports ovals or on grassy verges.  This bird sat on a branch for a minute or so before flying off.  I returned to the herons.

I few minutes later the bird returned, but this time landed on the ground.  It was a very obliging bird, and although I got the knees of my trousers dirty (oh, what a shame!) I was able to get much closer to this bird than normal.

I rather like the pictures with the plant stalks in its beak.  I assume it was eating the buds on the plant.

As ever, you can join in with WBW by clicking on the link below - and also as ever, please feel free to share the love for WBW with other bloggers!  Cheers. SM


  1. What a beauty!
    Hope you are having a good week!

  2. He's a real beauty. Definitely worth dirty knees.

  3. What a beautiful bird! The multi-colors are fantastic!

  4. Wow, he is stunning. Looks like nest building maybe going on with the sticks?

  5. Wonderful photos of this beautiful colorful bird Stewart. We don't have any tropical birds like that here in Northeast CT USA, so it's nice to get to see your photos of them.

  6. It is a very attractive parrot, delicate and subtle.

  7. Such a colourful bird. Great shots!

  8. Hari om
    At casual fifst glance one could be forgiven for thinking 'budgie!' Then have to reassess. Lovely series and worth the laundry "bill"!!! YAM xx

  9. He really has all the colours of the rainbow! ;)

  10. Beautiful birds!

    That 4th shot really snaps.

  11. Well named..I wonder who names these birds..Pretty colors..Looks like a Parakeet..Probably related? Great pictures..

  12. I particularly like parakeets, I love them!
    This little parakeet is not easy to photograph. The only place I saw her was in Yarra Ben Park.
    Your pictures are fantastics Stewart.
    Happy birding.

  13. Awesome photos! It was great to watch the parrot with you =)

  14. Great photos, we are away for 10 days, see you when we return. Cheers Diane

  15. A wonderful series of photographs of this Parrot. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a great week

  16. Hi Stewart. If you have time, can you please take a look at my entry? I think I might've photographed a Bald Eagle, but I'm not 100% certain. (It will be my first photo ever of one, if it is, which is thrilling for me!) I'm relying on your bird expertise, to weigh in with your opinion. Thanks so much. Anne

  17. Now this guy is a real looker!!!...:)JP

  18. I think you made a friend. That's why it returned. Such a colorful critter.
