Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Wild Bird Wednesday 456 - White-bellied Sea Eagle

When I was down at Werribee Sewage Works a few weeks ago I happened upon this White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster) sitting on a post.  Unfortunately, it did not do much but fly off in all the time I watched it!  Later in the day there were two individuals at the same spot.  Wonderful birds, and the first ones I have photographed in my neck of the woods.

This eagle has a wingspan of up to 2m and can weigh up to 3.7 kg, making it only slightly smaller than the Wedge-Tailed Eagle, which is Australia's largest bird of prey.

All things considered, the White-bellied Sea Eagle is an impressive bird.

As ever, you can join in with WBW by clicking on the button below.  SM


  1. What an impressive raptor! Beautiful! That last photo is outstanding!

  2. My blog this week is about its "cousin," another sea eagle. Nice find and beautiful launch into flight.

  3. Hari Om
    Having tried and failed several times to capture this bird in the lens, I am grateful that you managed and can share it with us! YAM xx

  4. Beautiful bird and great photos. Not many birds around in the garden at present, too much els on their minds in spring!!
    Have a good week, cheers Diane

  5. Sea Eagle, Blue Sky, Perched up for a few images..... how Perfect.

  6. Great shots of the eagle. It must be quite something to see it in full flight.

  7. Great sighting! This raptor is handsome, I love the last capture.

  8. A magnificent bird Stewart. Thanks for hosting, stay safe and have a great week ahead.

  9. Wow Stewart!!! What a beautiful eagle!!! I hope you are well.. Regards from Spain

  10. That first shot makes it look like a bald eagle that we have here. Neat.

  11. What a magnificent bird!

  12. Hello Stewart
    every wildlife photographer or observer is jealous
    Greetings Frank

  13. How awesome to see it fly! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Kudos for capturing photos of this bird, Stewart. Never heard of it much to learn!
