Tuesday 27 April 2021

Wild Bird Wednesday 457 - Crested Pigeon

Finally, I manged to get away for a birding trip last weekend.  I took the long drive to the NW of Victoria and visited the Mallee region of Victoria.  I stayed near a town called Patchewallock (!) and had a great time.  The area is very dry, and even has red sand soil that reminded me of Central Australia.

There will be more details to follow: but these are some Crested Pigeons (Ocyphaps lophotes) that I photographed around a watering point just outside the front door of my accommodation.  Not at unusual bird, but nice to see them in an area which was more like their natural environment - at home I tend to see them on sports ovals!

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  1. What a beautiful bird! Love the crest and eyes!

  2. Hari Om
    Punks of the pigeon world! YAM xx

  3. What an interesting looking pigeon. He looks like he is dressed up for a rock and roll concert.

  4. Beautiful colour and marking and cest on this bird Stewart. Glad you were able to get away. Thanks for hosting, stay safe and have a great week ahead.

  5. Very nice images of tho lovely pigeon ... Greetings

  6. How great to be able to get away. The picture reminds me of Sid Vicious of the pigeon world.

  7. Such beautiful colours in that bird!

  8. The snippets of colours on the wings are special and so beautiful. Why would they be seen on sports ovals?

    1. Hi - this is a bird of dry grasslands, and when we have periods without rain sports ovals become dry grasslands and the birds can often be found there. "Real" grasslands are not common in the more built up areas of Melbourne, so the CPs have adapted.

  9. Most amazing pigeon I've ever seen.

  10. Glad you could get away..The crest and bluish color separates this pigeon from most..Classy..

  11. What a spectacular pigeon!

  12. Who styled that bird's feathered head? Looks like something that was popular among 4th grade boys for a time when I was teaching.

  13. A beautiful pigeon Stewart. Nice photos. Have a nice sunday. Greetings Caroline

  14. hi,
    Lovely bird ! Remember for me but very far.
    I wanted to come back to Australia in October but I think the government doesn't want to yet. My aunt tells me that in your country vaccination is very difficult..... In France too.
    What a pity.
    Very nice images Stewart.
