Tuesday 4 May 2021

Stubble and Open Spaces.

As I was driving towards the North West of Victoria - to the part of the state called The Mallee - I could not fail to notice that the land became more and more open.  The long views were dominated by distant patches of trees, the fields were often bare except for lines of stubble and the agricultural buildings.

These are some of the pictures  I took from the side of the road.  Somehow, black and white seems appropriate.

You can find more pictures from around the world at Our World Tuesday and image-in-ing Cheers:  SM


  1. It looks desolate. I would not have been able to guess where these were taken.

  2. I have to agree with the comment above it does look desolate. Cheers Diane

  3. Hari OM
    These a wonderful shots, Stewart... it's restful to the eyes, to have a far horizon... and far from desolate, I would day, as clearly there has been a good harvest and ready for the encroaching winter. YAM xx

  4. The expanse of the land is impressive.

  5. It does look kinda stark. And perfectly captured in B&W too.

    Happy Tuesdsay, Stewart!

  6. Yesterday was so dismal here, with rain and grey clouds dominating the sky, it could have easily been a world in black and white!

  7. Love the black and whites!! Great effect!!

  8. Atmospheric and gorgeous!
