Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Wild Bird Wednesday 460 - Striped Honeyeater

This is another bird from my recent trip to the Mallee in NW Victoria.

This bird is a Striped Honeyeater (Plectorhyncha lanceolata) is a medium sized honeyeater.  The species can vary in abundance in any area depending on the availability of water - and you can see this bird perched on the edge of a water source that is provided in front of a hide.  Unfortunately the bird never perched on any of the more natural material around the hide - many of the birds were nervous on this morning because of the presence of a family of Butcherbirds in the area.  Oh well.

This bird has a rather un-honeyeater like beak in my opinion, and I think I may have thought about a whole different group of birds if I had not done a bit of homework prior to the visit!

This species in found on the east-coast of Australia, but mainly inland (if that makes sense!)


I have changed my working hours in the hope that I will be able to find more time for important things like birding, photography and blogs.

As ever you can join in with WBW by clicking on the link below.  Cheers SM



  1. Gorgeous stripped bird Stewart. My Swan was turning her egs as I took these shots although I was not high enough to see the number of eggs she had. Thanks for hosting, stay safe adn have a great week ahead

  2. The species is appropriately named, from any angle. Quite sleek and handsome.

  3. Hari OM
    It's lovely... and to my shame, I don't believe I even knew there was a Striped Honeyeater! YAM xx

  4. Bonjour Stewart.
    This bird is very pretty, I didn't know it.

  5. Helloooooo Stewart! Great shots as always! I decided to bring back my blog after a year of craziness!

  6. Replies
    1. The rooster is feral and lives by his wits in the foliage of Waikiki! He is a wild bird.

  7. I have been reading a good deal about honeyeaters of late. Interesting family to say the least.

  8. It's a sweet little bird!

  9. What a beautiful bird, you are spoilt with wonderful bird life over there.
    Keep safe and well. Cheers Diane

  10. Hi friend... Nice pictures os thi lovely bird 💚... Cheers

  11. Stewart, YOU find the coolest birds!!! Another "newbee" for surprise!

  12. I see what you mean about it appearing to have an "un-honeyeater" like beak. Nevertheless, it is uncommonly handsome. A superb quality photograph helps!

    Hope your new working hours provide you the time you hope for!

  13. Hi David, beautiful bird the striped honeyeater. Greetings Caroline
