Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 496 - Blue Bonnet

The Blue Bonnet (Northiella haematogaster) is a parrot of the drier, interior parts of south-east Australia.  As a result, this is not a bird I have seen very often.  In fact, my recent trip to the Mallee gave me my second chance to see them, and luckily my first chance to photograph them.

I found this species of parrot to be very camera shy - in fact they seem to be one of the more nervous species of bird I have come across. Even when approached in a very slow manner - or in a car - they fly off at the slightest sign of human intervention.  So, I was very pleased and more than a little surprised when one turned up around the garden sprinklers of the house I was staying in.  I hid in a pop-up hide (adds this to his purchase list!) and managed to get the following images.  

What a cracking bird.

As ever, to join in with WBW, click on the link below.  Cheers and stay well. SM


  1. Hari Om
    My word, yes, that's a wee gem of a bird! Lucky you - thanks for sharing it around. YAM xx

  2. Wow! What a great way to wake up on a Tuesday see this Wednesday bird!

  3. Hello Stewart,:=)
    The Blue Bonnet Parrot is very striking. I'm glad you managed to get some captures of this shy, but lovely creature.

  4. WOWW! Stewart that bird is a stunner and these are great shots of it. Thanks for hosting, take care adn have a lovely week ahead

  5. Such a gorgeous creature! Lucky you!

  6. What an absolutely spectacular bird!

  7. Beautiful! Is colors are placed almost randomly, as if a painter used it as a palette.

  8. The linking mechanism seems to have changed. I tried last week and had the same issue. It brings up the opening picture on the most recent blog posts with no option to go into that post and get another picture. Since most of my posts do not bein with a picture of a bird, I am afraid that I may withdraw from participation in WBW.

  9. What a beautiful bird..You are fortunate to be able to photograph him..

  10. When I opened this post, Stewart, and saw the first photo, I gasped! To think and know now that these little beauties live "out there" is yet another credit to Mother Nature!

  11. This parrot has impressive plumage!
