Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 532 - Grey Fantail

It would seem that being (sort of) retired is no less busy than being in full time work - but I am sure I will get things sorted in my favour soon!

These are pictures of Grey Fantails (Rhipidura albiscapa).  This is bird that never seem to keep still.  As a kid I would see 'Wagtails' that constantly moved their tails up and down - this is a species that constantly moves their tail side to side.  They also jump in the air, dash after flies and generally never stay in one place more than a few seconds.

I took these pictures (long with those for the last couple of week) on the beach at Walkerville, a small settlement east of Melbourne.

As ever, to join in with WBW, click on the link below.  And if you know anybody how may like the idea of WBW please share the link!  SM 


  1. Hari OM
    I always enjoy the moments when I get to share space with a wagtail - be it the British or the Aussie!!! YAM xx

  2. It would certainly be more difficult to track and photograph if it did not wave its tail. I have been "retired" since 1993 and never looked back. Yet I am so busy now that I don't have time to be retired.

  3. Look Stewart, I'm between two hummingbirds!

  4. Hello Stewart :=)
    It must have been extremely difficult to photograph such a busy little bird. I would love to see it wagging it's tail, dog fashion! Congrats on getting such fine photos of the Grey Fantail.
    Sorry! no photos this week.

  5. Nice photos. I don't get that many good bird pictures now that I depend on my cell phone camera when I'm out running errands and so on. With winter coming, I should get more bird photos once I put the feeders out.
