Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Wild Bird Wednesday 581 - Australian Wood Duck

There are clear signs of spring here now - lighter evenings and mornings, some (strangely early) warm days, and also some your birds.

I went to Jells Park a few weeks ago in search of Blue Billed Ducks, but they were not to be see.  

However, at least one pair of Australian Wood Ducks (Chenonetta jubata) had a duckling.  I have to say this posed more than a few questions.  Firstly, it was early to see a duckling, and secondly I wondered where the rest of the brood was.  I don't know if it was just a single, early egg, or if the rest of the brood had succumbed to some fate of weather or predation.

Whatever the answers to these questions, the ducky stayed close to the female duck as it swam towards the middle of the lake.

As ever, to join in with WBW just click the link.  SM


  1. Nice variety of poses of this beautiful little family. I assume that they nest in tree cavities.

  2. Time to move South :-) Autumn I guess is officially here but it still feels warm. Lovely photos. Cheers Diane

  3. Hari OM
    An extra special wee ducky! YAM xx

  4. Stewart Whatever the reason for its early arrival, it is very cute. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a great week ahead

  5. Very cute family ! I love them. Nice pictures

  6. The fall migration is fully underway here in the Northern Hemisphere and the weather is turning. The heat here has broken and looks like fall will be coming along. I do love comparing the changes between the hemispheres.

  7. Pretty ducks! I posted some mallards.
