Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Wild Bird Wednesday 584 - Just birds and sky.

For about the first time in a year I have been at work this week - I can assure you that I much prefer 'retired' weeks than work weeks!  I may have to resist the temptation to work again for as long as I can!

Anyway, during my time locked to a computer screen I began to wonder what I would do for this week's WBW.

I think that all (maybe not all!) of us birders / photographers can get a bit carried away at times - trying to name the species, trying to get the perfect shot.  And when we do I think we can lose sight of just how remarkable birds are.

So here are some pictures - not named deliberately - that just show some birds with nothing but the wing beneath their wings and the sky above them.  Just remarkable.

I hope you enjoy these simple shots.

As ever, to join in with WBW just click on the link below.  SM


  1. That is a Java sparrow. I enjoyed your free photos of flying birds. Beautiful! Thank you Aloha!

  2. Some lovely shots with angles on the wings.

  3. They look like they were pinned up in the sky

  4. Hari OM
    All awesome... oh, but image #6... finest formation flying! YAM xx

  5. Beauties all! I watch the gull along the shoreline on windy days, floating on the breeze, playing really. Amazing!

  6. Great Images Stewart Free as a bird! Thanks for gosting and I hope you have a good week ahead

  7. Lofty selections-- the grace and beauty of flight

  8. I am a bird lover as you know, and I can and do spend hours watching the birds here in the trees around my house. My birding pals and I have a standing Friday birding date mostly year round. My house is like a tree house on the side of a mountain so I'm looking out into the canopies rather than at trunks. Unfortunately there are window casualties occasionally and when I pick a bird up I am so totally amazed at how little they weigh. All that movement, color and activity for something you can hardly even feel in your hand. I just don't see how some folks never even see the millions of birds that are all around us every day.

  9. Lovely to watch them from beneath.

  10. You make it look easy to get photos of birds on the web, but I know it is not.

  11. Hi Stewart, beautiful photos of the flying birds. Have a nice weekend.
