Wednesday, 11 October 2023

Wild Bird Wednesday 585 - Giant Petrels

If last week's post was about light and beauty, then this post is about power and strength.

There are two living species of Giant Petrel - the Northern Giant Petrel (Macronectes halli) and the Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus).  They were considered to be a single species before the 1960s,  and given that the key way to tell them from each other (at least in the field) is the colour of beak tip this is hardly a surprise.

These birds are large, muscular and pretty aggressive.  They are scavengers, and many of the images of them taken on land shown them eating seal carcasses and such like! Some people call them the Vultures of the Southern Ocean.

We saw a number of individuals of both species on my recent pelagic trips off the southern coast for Australia from Eaglehawk Neck in Tasmania.

The Northern Giant Petrel has a reddish tip to its beak, and this often contrasts strongly with the rest of the beak.  The beak tip of the Southern Giant Petrel is greenish, and has far less contrast.  Trying to see this (even while a little seasick) can be a little more straight forward than it sounds - although I am still a complete beginner at such things!

This picture shows both species together (how nice of them!), with the Northern closest to the camera.

The next set of images are all Northern GPs.

with shy Albatross

The next set of pictures are Southern Giant Petrel

The pale eyes of some of these birds do give them a kind of crazy look!

As ever to join in with WBW click on the link below.  Cheers  SM


  1. Your post is very enjoyable! I do love seeing these birds Stewart. My thumbnail is a rainbow but I posted a nice picture of a Java Finch today. I hope you enjoy it. Aloha

  2. Impressive birds. That certainly is a very subtle difference between the species.

  3. Fabulous photos. I have not blogged for nearly 2 months, so much to do at home and in the garden, hopefully that will change very soon!! Keep well Diane

  4. Petrels look gorgeous. Great bird gallery here.

  5. How fortunate to get a photo of the two species side by side. Great photo!

  6. Fantastic flight shots Stewart Not easy from a moving boat. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a lovely week ahead


  7. Not sure I could identify a petrel let alone differentiate between the two. Thanks for trying to educate me though.

  8. I think the albatross looks like he’s laughing at you.

  9. Fabuleuses photos Stewart. Ces géants des mers me fascinent.
    Bonne soirée
