Friday 23 August 2024

Another Trip to The Prom

Wilsons Promontory National Park is about 2 1/2 hours from Melbourne, and it's one of my favourite places.  I spend a few days down there last week.  I saw very few other people and the weather was remarkable, and worrying given its still really winter.

I much prefer The Prom in the winter to the summer - its less crowded, the wildlife is more visible and (as you can see) the crisp winter air lends itself to great views.

Wilsons Prom contains the most southerly part of the Australian mainland - and has wonderful granite scenery.

I love the place!

I acknowledge that I am biased, but if you happen to visit Australia you really should include The Prom on your schedule!



  1. No one will have the slightest doubt there is much to love. And the less people the better!

  2. Hari OM
    Sigh... I've been too long gone... YAM xx

  3. It has been ages since my last visit to Prom. Thank you for the wonderful images

  4. I feel so refreshed. Stewart. It must be wonderful to be there in real life. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. Aloha!

  5. Beautiful scenic views!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog post about my dog. He is a young dog that runs very fast, and he chews on anything he can get in his mouth! So very fast and destructive like a hurricane, but we couldn't name him Hurricane, so we call him Harry Kane!
    Have a great week!
