Sunday 27 May 2012

Macro Monday - Garden Mantis

I think this is a Garden Mantis or Australian Green Mantis  - Orthodera ministralis – that’s largely based on the notion that it’s a common species.  This one was lurking on the wall outside my front door when I came home one evening.  They also seem to like hanging about on flywire doors – which tend to give you a bit of a shock if you meet them eye to eye.  The silvery object on the brick behind it is as egg case – once you know what  there are you start finding them all over the place.  My last encounter with one of these insects was when I found one walking up my sleeve as I was pulling out the one tomato plants.   Even if they are common I like them because they seem so alien!
You can find more macro shots at Macro Monday.
You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the screen.
Enjoy the close ups.


  1. ♫♫♪¸.•°`
    Excelente trabalho.
    Bom domingo!
    Boa semana.

  2. they fascinate me. with their little rotating heads.

  3. They are fascinating and what a great capture, Stewart! Hope you've had a great weekend!


  4. Great photo. I am fascinated by these insects. It's not difficult to see where some of them get the name 'praying mantis' from.

  5. I don't see the praying mantis anywhere near where I live. I know they are out there, but how lucky you are to have them around ... they are great for the garden. Nice picture ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  6. I like marcros, but so hard to take it. I noticed that every single time I try to take macro shot of my plants, the wind would start blowing and mess up my shot.

  7. What a lovely "bug". We have them here too, but I have failed to capture one with my camera!

  8. Looks like the ones we have here. I don't see them very often--it is always a treat to see one!

  9. I do see the alien quality...I find that with plants in early spring too:-)

  10. Beautiful macro picture you show.
    Wishing you a good day / good new week.
    Hanne Bente

  11. Always love your excellent photography ~ here we call them praying mantis (if it is the same species) ~ used to love to watch them as a child ~ thanks, ^_^

  12. They do seem like visitors from another planet!

  13. They do have an alien look! Love that captured his shadow as well!

  14. I see one occasionally here. They're fascinating. I've never seen an egg case before.

  15. Great capture!! I like the contrast of the green mantis against the dark red bricks.

  16. I really like this Mantis photo!
    Thanks for your comment on my Macro Monday post (Ladybug - Ladybird!).
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  17. an interesting insect. Looks good on that brick.

  18. Great shot of the Garden Mantis. I missed this post too.
    I've been a bit slack posting this week (busy with specialist appointments & tests) and I missed linking with I Heart Macro & Macro Monday.
