Tuesday 29 May 2012

World Bird Wednesday - Australian Raven

This raven was sitting keep a very keen eye on our packed lunches outside the entrance to Kelly Hills caves on Kangaroo Island.  It was blowing a gale at the time, and we were glad to be under a roof to eat lunch – although it was interrupted by the arrival of a large spider and the frequent clanks of bits of falling wood hitting the roof.
The identification of Australian crows is, to say the least, fraught.  The most reliable feature is call, and this bird was ominously silent.  But based on a few features – but mainly the size of the neck pouch and the fact that other candidates are much less common, I think I’m going to plump for Australian Raven.
You can find more birds from around the world at World Bird Wednesday.
You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the page.  (If you have not had a look at my other blog yet, I’d really like you to visit!)
Enjoy the pictures.


  1. he is a handsome one. like that ruff around his neck.

  2. Great pictures you show.
    Wishing you a good day.
    Hanne Bente

  3. Good looking fellow ... I do have a hard time distinguishing between the raven and crow!

  4. oh I love this picture!! look at those eyes!!! i miss my birds...2 yrs ago the squirrels won...they ate all the bird food...
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  5. Wandered over to say thank you for your Bonza comment on Bizarre Scribble. I reckon crows or ravens are evil birds sent to do the work of the devil :-).

  6. Quite the bird, nice shots. I love the Lake District photos in your earlier post too.

  7. You have some amazing portraits here. You describe your landscape so beautifully, too.

  8. Great photos of a very handsome bird.

  9. A very regal looking bird! I like crows and ravens even though some consider them pests.

  10. He is goodlooking indeed. Nice shots! Thanks for sharing and have a great day.


  11. Hi Stewart, I have been back to this post a few times - the reason!! two very simple images fantastically presented... VERY nicely done.

    On the is it or isnt it a Raven? you could have done with a piece of wood falling close by the side of the bird to see if it made an agressive call... that would have been the clincher...lol

  12. Great capture, and I'd say a Raven, Australian or otherwise, from the neck!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  13. Great shots Stewart! I always enjoy coming to your blog for the photography and some great information. I have trouble with the Crow vs Raven but I wasn't aware of your description with regard to the neck. Now I might have a better chance... and possibly take more notice of what I once considered an ordinary bird.

  14. Great shots of the Raven!

  15. I don't know if I'm able to tell the difference between crows and ravens. ...Maybe I misnamed my crow post!

  16. In South Florida, our occasional American Crow gives itself away by cawing among the much more numerous Fish Crows, a bit smaller but incapable of uttering such an impressive sound.

  17. A very handsome fellow and if he's at all like crows/ravens around here, then I bet he was keeping an eye on your lunch!

  18. Great shots of the Raven, Stewart. I always think of Edgar Allen Poe when seeing a raven.

  19. A very handsome fellow indeed!

  20. Fantastic portraits Stewart and a brilliant little monologue to boot...can't ask for much more than that!
    Cheers Sir!
