Thursday 17 May 2012

SkyWatch Friday - Living in the Past / June Skies

(Click to see a much better version)
Continuing our journey through the past here are some images from my last trip to the UK.  
The “panorama” has been over sharpened to give a grainy feel to the image.  As a kid I spend a huge amount of time near where this image was taken – and in some ways this less the perfect, altered, image seems to say something about the nature of childhood memory; often imperfect and over overlaid with layers that obscure the truth of the matter.  It was (and still is) a place of dragon flies, of long hours fishing, of Roman ruins running along the contours of the hillside and older hill top barrows and broad and indistinct henge circles.  As you may have guessed I miss the place.
The clouds are my concession to a real sky picture!  They were taken in the early morning as the sun came out from behind a hill and for a while the sky was all colour.
You can find more sky images at SkyWatch Friday.
You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the page.


  1. It looks like a beautiful landscape and meadows! Could understand how u miss the place. Nice sky shot.

  2. I love the sky in the early morning! Great time of day.

  3. Very nostalgic - beautiful sky and colour. x

  4. oh, that first shot is gorgeous...

  5. I love your country shot, I enlarged it and fell in love all over again... there's a lot of that going on in my life right about now! lol

    Have a wonderful weekend Stewart, cheers, from Adelaide (again!)

  6. Beautiful landscape, Stewart! And what gorgeous, colorful skies!! Enjoy your weekend!!


  7. I like the contrast between the nostalgic picture and the present day one.... and your words about childhood memories are lovely; so true... the photo is a great visual representation of them.

  8. Love that candy floss cloud!

  9. Beautiful landscape and cloud shot.
    Nice to find your blog.

  10. how nice to see a pink cloud. :) Love it.

  11. Beautifully done Stewart. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. I love the pink color of the sky !

  13. The idyllic places of our childhood still fond in our memory. Great pics Stewart, and I love the candy floss clouds!

  14. Ooh, I can't decide whether I want to jump in, or take a bite!

  15. Nice pinky clouds.

  16. Beautiful landscape and the cloud the color is awesome!


  17. Ah, memories and longing for our youth and remembered countrysides.
    The clouds are fantastic and dream-like.

  18. Wow, absolutely gorgeous!

    Please come and see the Sky View at a football field. Have a great weekend!

  19. I love the scene in the first shot and the colors in the second shot are beautiful. Lovely images, thanks for sharing.

  20. Just like cotton candy :)

  21. Looks like a beauty of a spot. Anyplace that are graced by clouds like that just about has it all. Lovely photos.

  22. Gorgeous pink skies and I love that first shot!!
