Wednesday 16 July 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday 105 - Small Grebes

There are few birds that seem as special to me as grebes - owls maybe, parrots possibly, maybe even kingfishers.  But when I was a kid they had a special kind of mystery attached to them.  It was a well know story that the RSPB was formed (at least in part) because the demand for ornamental feathers from the Great Crested Grebe had pushed this species to the edge of extinction in the UK, and "something needed to be done".

So, every time I saw one (and they were never that common in my neck of the woods) it was a reminder of the possibility of action and success.

I have found grebes of all types hard to photograph - too shy, too distant, too willing to sink slowly and unseen underwater and just swim off.

So, seeing grebes today - and for a lot of reasons I see them far more often than I did as a kid - is still a bit of treat.

So, here are two species of small grebe - Pied Billed Grebes from Arizona and Hoary Headed Grebes from Australia.

Hoary Headed Grebe
Hoary Headed Grebe 
Hoary Headed Grebe
Hoary Headed Grebe
Hoary Headed Grebe

Hoary Headed Grebe
Now (for the 105th time) it's over to you - click on the link and off you go.  SM


  1. i think the last 2 need to be marked as pied-billed. i adore those little guys!

  2. I'm also fascinated by Grebes.

    Super shots of both species Stewart.

  3. I think mine is a medium-sized grebe. (I feel like a copy-cat, but at least I had my post written before I saw your (better) pictures. We have the pie-billed in Oregon occasionally.

  4. Great captures for the day as always, Stewart!! Hope your week is going well!!

  5. HI Stewart Yes I think Tex is correct. Both these Grebes are really lovely. Thanks for hosting.

  6. Unless I just never knew, which may be the case, and even though I have loved birds my entire life, but paid closer attention to them in the past 30 years, I had never even seen a Grebe until a couple of years ago and I find them amazinginly beautiful. I stood this past Winter in freezing winds just waiting to get some snaps of a Grebe that was playing cat and mouse with me. Your images are great Stewart and I asbolutely see why you would like them so much~

  7. Nice grebe shots. We also have an even smaller Least Grebe, which I once saw in south Texas.

  8. I swear I don't understand how people think ... or maybe don't think. Would you ever kill a bird to put his feathers in a hat? Even back in the day, they should have known better, but that is the world we live in. Sad but true. But, I have to say there are those, like you, who share and teach and help people understand the beauty and the necessity of protecting our wildlife ... Thanks, Stewart and Great Pictures!

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  9. heel mooi om ze zo te volgen ze zijn ook al zo gauw groot.

  10. I love their eyes. And yes, they are always swimming away!

  11. I agree that grebes are very shy. I have been lucky to get some photos of them...bit NOT this year so far. ;)

  12. Great photos of the Grebes. I have only managed very distant shots of some.

  13. I understand you, my passion are owls which are very successful not to cross my ways. Wonderful photos.

  14. Stewart, I love all the Grebes too. They have adorable faces.. Great shots, thanks for hosting.. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  15. certainly special little water birds; I love the Grebes too Stewart. You got reasonably close it seems; not always easy! Lovely post again...

  16. I love Grebes as well. Such solitary quiet birds.

  17. I agree, they are difficult to photograph, at least in my experience! This is a new one for me. They look very similar to our Pied-billed Grebe.

  18. They are adorable birds. It's sad how much damage man can do to animals and their habitat. It's also good to know there are enough people who care and use their voice to bring change.

  19. Love the smoothness of the pied-billed. And the Hoary Headed have such a distinctive markings. The misty/foggy setting of the last two shots is very calming. And thanks for being such a cordial host!

  20. Beautiful shots... I really like those last two!

  21. I found an abundance of Grebes in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota. A waterfowl wonderland out there!
    Like you, I like those king fishers and owls. No parrots here though!
    It's not often I have bird photos handy to share with you, but I'm joining up today. :)

  22. You captures are awesome, Stewart. I love the reflections in, especially the second to last image.Thanks for hosting this wonderful meme. Have a great day. Jo

  23. So sorry I'm late Stewart, for some reason I thought that I had already made a comment.

    Grebes are birds I rarely see, but you have some great photos of these adorable little guys, which I believe are very difficult to photograph. My apoligies to the host again.:=)

  24. I can't say I have a favorite. My too often muttered cliche is...

    I love clouds, trees, and critters.

    Your grebes are indeed precious.


  25. They are all great shots, but love those last 2 the most!

  26. They're really adorable with the wet feathers Stewart!

  27. Beautiful series of photos, Stewart.
    The last two are my favorite.

  28. They are beautiful birds. Wonderful shots, Stewart. Thanks for hosting WBW.

  29. hey Stewart .. I put a little birdie on my blog ...but...don't really know what he is... maybe somebody who knows birds will come to let me know ...I think perhaps a flycatcher of some sort..but, not totally sure ...

  30. These are wonderful captures. I love coming here and learning about the amazing birds you share with us. Thanks for hosting!

  31. These are awesone, Stewart!

  32. I am a big fan of Grebes in any shape or form, but the Great Crested always fills me with delight. Super shots of Grebes I have not seen before. Excellent work

  33. Oh my gosh, I posted a pied-billed grebe today! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks they're special. :)

  34. these are lovely! the water looks especially nice in the last two frames

  35. I love Grebe's. We have frequent visits from the Australasian Little Grebe when the water is plentiful. Beautiful photos.

  36. I love seeing your new postings each week, Stewart, always a treat. Are you having Winter there now? I can't tell from your photos. :-)

  37. I'm in love with the Hoary Headed Grebe, superb.

  38. Grebes are so adorable and this variety especially, Stewart!...:)JP

  39. Wundervolle Aufnahmen, bei den Kleinen meint man, man könne sie
    auf den Wellen schaukeln sehen !
    Grüße aus Deutschland

  40. I always love seeing Grebes. We most commonly see the Western Grebe here, the Horned Grebe, and the Eared Grebe.

  41. Well, at least they hung around long enough for you to get some good photos! I had no idea that they were endangered in England.
    Nice photos Stewart!

  42. Just beautiful.. regards from Madrid..
