Thursday 28 August 2014

A wombat on Friday!

After a bit of a run of post from the UK (which will continue next week!) I thought I'd take a different direction on fridays for a while and post images of Mammals for a while.

If there is any interest in a "Furry Fhings On Friday" sort of link up, I am open to persuasion!

So, this is a Wombat.  The world largest hole dwelling herbivore by some accounts - and a good value animal by all accounts.

This fine beast was on the beach at Wilsons Promontory earlier in the year - you can read more about what else was about during that trip here.

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who hosted Sky Watch Friday - but at present I am a bit short of inspiration for sky shots that are just a little bit different.  I know that keeping a "link up" going takes a bit of work!  And I don't think I have abandoned skies for ever!

Let me know if there is any interest in a Wild Mammal Friday sort of thing!  SM


  1. The little critter is so cute I just want to snatch him up and hug 'em.

  2. since i do critters on saturdays, i wouldn't be interested in fridays, too.

    but that guy is SO interesting! wow!

  3. Cute wombat! I've never seen one so near. It must be amazing :D

  4. Squeal - so adorable!

  5. He is SOOOO adorable! Yes, A Furry Thing Friday would be fun...I don't get many photos of animals, but I would participate whenever I could. I in fact have a marmot coming up in my next post! But that's SOOO rare for me! :-) Like Theresa, I do animals on Saturday/Sunday with two other memes but yours could be a third hook up on the same post. If enough people wanted to. Anyway, he's incredibly cute!

  6. He looks really soft! I'm trying to blog only once a week, so I probably wouldn't sign on for another link-up.

  7. Stewart, your wombat is cute. Great shots.. I would be thrilled if you would link up this post to my upcoming critter party on Saturday! Have a happy weekend!

  8. Never seen a wild one of these, just their dens and scats. To see one on the beach would be amazing! I thought the first photo was of it on snow!

    I like the idea of Mammal Fridays! I only write three posts a month though and not all of these feature mammals and I can't always time them for a friday, so I don't know if I'd be much help! Birds on wednesdays (or saturdays with Ani) presents me with the same dilemma, but know that I always enjoy the results of such efforts!

  9. I just love wombats. I think they're a wonderful animal...they always make me smile and I always want to give them a big hug. :)

    I loved the story the other day on TV and in the papers about Patrick, the oldest wombat (recorded) in Australia. Patrick's home is the Ballarat Zoo and he wears in at 38kgs. It was a great segment on "Sunrise" about him.

    Lovely photos, Stewart. :)

  10. It does look very cute but then people say the same about squirrels.

  11. They're pudgy little things! Like an oversized version of a marmot.

  12. Stewart, stopping back to say thank you for sharing your post with my Saturday Critter party.. Have a happy weekend!

  13. So this is what a wombat looks like! Kinda cute, I think.

  14. I love those pictures and I'm in love with the Wombat too now.

  15. I don't know much about Wombats, but this one is adorable! Have a great weekend, Stewart!

  16. A cute fellow! I do critters on Saturdays and my critters aren't always furry or wild.

  17. The Wombat is so cuddly and appealing, it would be fun to see one in the wild. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Such a cool little guy. The sand looked like snow. Great shots, Stewart.

  19. Just one more amazing animal from Australia, that we don't have!
    Very nice photos Stewart!
