Monday 4 August 2014

Hampstead High Street 2: Rather Expensive

While leaning on the windowsill of out little flat in Hampstead, drinking tea and watching the world go by, I noticed a rather flash looking, bright yellow sports car parked on the other side of the road.  I have a passing interest in such things, so I asked H, my resident expert to identify the vehicle.

With rather less effort than I was expecting H identified it as a McLaren MP4-12C!  On road cost about 1/2 million Australian dollars - which is a great deal of money in any currency!

As he was providing me with this information, an equally bright yellow, but rather less flashy van pulled up behind the sports car.  In large letters on the van was the logo of the Automobile Association - it was an AA van.

For those of you not familiar with this organisation, its a roadside repair and assistance club - in other words the flash car was broken down!  It was too good an opportunity to miss!

I grabbed a camera and went out to take some pictures - the owner of the car took my interest rather well under the circumstances, and told me what the problem was - the car would not go into gear.

I loved the coincidence of the matching colours - and the fact that sports car was being overtaken by a man on a bike!

Then a Ferrari went past, and the situation become even more silly!  While there was no shortage of very new cars on the high street, it was not really packed with super-cars, mobile or not!

Not my usual subject matter - but the whole thing made me laugh.

You can find more images from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Great photo opportunity.....
    It made me laugh too!
    Thank you Stewart.


  2. Definitely made for a good photo opportunity! That's an awesome car :)

  3. Cars costing that much money should NEVER break down.

  4. Ha! I'm smiling too! I'm back after our trip to the Nat'l Bison Range, and have been going thru 100's of photos. But I'm still holding myself to one post a week, and commenting on that one day as well. I get nothing else done once I sit down at the computer.

  5. any excuse to pull out the ole


  6. Nice cars, Stewart,
    Great that the cyclist, the car passed, hihihi.

  7. leuk om de boodschappen mee te doen.

  8. McLaren isn't doing all that well in Formula One either. Think the owner should switch to Mercedes as they are leading the constructors championship. Great post.

  9. Sometimes you just have to appreciate the irony of a situation. And get a chuckle out of it.

  10. I got a laugh out of it.

  11. For that kind of money it should fix itself! LOL! Quite ironic.

  12. LOL, I am sure the owner of the expensive car was not happy it broke down...Funny shot of the bike rider..Great captures, enjoy your week1

  13. A fun post Stewart. Thanks again for sharing.

  14. Tee hee! This tickled my funny bone, that's for sure. ;)

  15. Where was Herbie, the VW, when all this was going on?

  16. Nice yellow cars! We broke down on my recent trip and were very glad to be rescued by the RAC!

  17. You have a wicked sense of humour Stewart.

  18. A photo opportunity that rarely crops up Stewart. Apparently London is packed with rich Arabs there to escape the heat of the Middle East summer. That McLaren
    Is over a year old now the poor old thing.

  19. Would not go into Gear, and he expected the AA to sort that out!! would have though McLaren would send out their own team

  20. Should we guess that you were staying in a high end community? And if not ... why are all of the high end cars traveling your street? Just out of curiosity, how does the Australian dollar exchange for the American dollar ... I should know that as I stuff pennys in my jar to save for my trip there, right? This post is a hoot and the best part is the brilliant mind of H ... how is it that boys always know so much about cars? Fun stuff, Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  21. Yup, definitely different but fun subject. My favourite part was the bike :)

  22. Flashy! Love the colors, and the bicyclist whizzing by. That red car is really nice too.

  23. Ha! That's a great story! Such flashy bright yellow vehicles.
