Friday 10 April 2015

Grey Sky / Black Swan Sky

While I was out and about over Easter, I saw these two Black Swans fly past.  Under a heavy,  grey cloud sky I thought the image would work well in black and white.

I seem to think I was right.

You can find more skies - and probably more colour - at SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Ah, I agree with Tex -- good and moody indeed! Great shots for the day and I do love the swans in flight!! Hope you have a great weekend, Stewart!!

  2. Wow!black swans!!!!Never seen such birds!!!Must be a beautiful sight♥

    We dont have them here in Norway!

    greetings Anita♥

  3. Neat capture of the Black Swans in flight..our skies have been moody lately too. Have a happy weekend!

  4. you could have just impressed us with a blue sky if you'd used a filter *wink*

  5. I seem to think you were right too ... very striking contrast and I do love swans when they fly. Were you close enough to hear the woosh, woosh of their wings. Aren't they just amazing birds. Of course, our swans are white, but that, I assume, it the only difference. Beautiful pictures, Stewart ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  6. Looks like Autumn skies to me. Lovely in monochrome, which never fails to amaze me.

  7. Beautiful birds in flight. Looks like it is going to rain heavily!

  8. Wow - truly magnificent shots.

  9. Good shots - I've never seen black swans outside of a zoo.
    Please come share at

  10. They are wonderful B&W shots, Stewart! Black swans seem so special! I sure hope you can get back to America one day, and see more hummingbirds! :-)

  11. Nice! And yes, moody look to it.

  12. You were absolutely right..Coincidentally,this AM I took a bunch of "tree scapes" ..Same sky..We've been living with that sky for over a week now..May have some sun tomorrow?? Beautiful in flight shots Stewart..

  13. Yes, they work well. I did a similar thing here:

  14. What a great sky, Stewart. Black Swans and a beautiful sky. Greetings Jo
