Friday 11 December 2015


I think many of us have been sucked into that period of madness that is called "Christmas" - too busy! I think these rather fine beasts may be a lot less flustered!

I can think of worse things to be than a cow on Lord Howe!

You can find more pictures of animals from around the world over at Saturday Critters.


  1. It does look like a very comfortable life!

  2. Ah, a happy cow indeed and a fun shot for the day, as always, Stewart!! I hope you have a great weekend!!

  3. I was just wondering...

    ...can one pay un-ready attention?

  4. Yes, those look like some very content cows.

  5. I'm with you!! Two more weeks and it will all be over..Comes and goes faster every year..Have a merry Holiday season Stewart!

  6. You could say these cows were in Hawaii and who'd know the difference? The terrain looks very similar.

  7. Wow - fabulous scenery!

  8. Great life until someone thinks it is time for the abattoir!!!!! Have a good weekend Diane

  9. I posted cows this week, too....guess it is true that great minds think alike LOL. A lovely pastoral landscape.

  10. Yes contented cows Stewart, turkeys and pigs are the ones to be worried at this time of year, LOL.

  11. Hello Stewart, the cows have a beautiful home. Lovely scene! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  12. Beautiful! Looks like the perfect place for the cows.

  13. Have you bought all your presents yet, Mrs. Cow?

  14. hey there Stewart, hope you are well. i love a cool cow shot. i always look seeing what you have been up to on FB. it is fun seeing what folks do around the world. have a great weekend. but wait you might be a bit ahead. i always forget how your lands work compared to us? is it 2 days or 1 day ahead? any who all the same to ya. ( :

  15. I so want to go to Lord Howe Island! Those cows do look like they've got a good life!
    Wren x

  16. I love cows! In fact, I dug up some great rural scenes with Brahman cows included a couple of posts ago!

  17. Gorgeous scenery and the cows make a super focal point. Hoping to join in Wild Bird Wednesday soon Stewart but I haven't had any decent bird photos for a long time.

  18. I agree! I used to love t see the cows in my Dad's pasture back in Alabama....there's such a serenity in watching them!

  19. That's where I'd want to live if I was a cow.

  20. Contented cows for sure ...l looks like there was no rain on this day, but I wasn't surprised to have you mention it in your rail post above. It doesn't get this beautifully green any other way!
