Sunday 14 February 2016

Numbers at the Museum

During out time in Sydney we went to the Australian National Maritime Museum - which, appropriately enough, is right on the harbour.  It was remarkable - if a little poorly - experience to walk around inside an actual submarine.  I don't know how people could live in those tiny spaces for weeks on end.

What seems to have caught my eye were the numbers that were painted on the ships (and a helicopter!).  At times I really dot understand my own 'photographic eye'!

You can find more macro shots (if this is what these are) at Macro Monday and I love Macro


  1. Really like that first pic. Very artistic.

  2. I did a tour on a submarine in Cherbourg, I found it very claustrophobic! Diane

  3. Not sure I would have been drawn to the numbers if I had visited there. There's a sub in Baltimore harbor called the Torsk. Toured it once and yes, very cramped spaces. I imagine there are height limits to sailors deployed on those.

  4. I would go crazy in a Sub..Guess I'm a little claustrophobic...I have toured several..I am amazed at the things I notice since I have gotten interested in photography..I always notice (but have never photographed) expiration dates on inspection stickers on cars..Who knows why???

  5. Interesting images. I am pretty sure I'd never survive on a submarine. I need sunshine and light and space.
