Wednesday 29 June 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday 205 - Redshank

The wonderful damp fields of Orkney gave up another wader for me - the Redshank (Tringa tetanus)

Like the Curlew in the last WBW post this is a bird with a falling population - changes in faming methods on the wet grasslands where they breed are  the most likely cause of the decline in numbers of both of these birds.  This is not a situation I feel will have been helped by recent political results in the UK.

These pictures (taken at two different locations) show the bird in a classic 'in breeding territory' pose - standing on top of a high point looking out for trouble or possibly food.

If you click the blue button you should be able to link up with WBW - I say 'should' as there was a glitch for a while last week.  Hope all is well this time.


  1. I love it´s red legs. :) Very cool for a bird :)

    Thanks for hosting :)

  2. Hello Swewart!:) Lovely shots of the Redshank!:) Such a shame about the decline in numbers of this super little bird,'s getting to be a global problem unfortunately. Enjoy the rest of the week!:)

  3. Hello, the Redshank is a beauty, I like the leg color. Great shots. Thanks for hosting. Enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead!

  4. Love the one-legged pose! Great negative space in the first two!

  5. Here in Illinois we have the same problem with farming methods, thanks especially to the government subsidies for corn to be used in ethanol production. Fields are cultivated so close together so as not to leave any trees or rows of shrubs between them.

  6. Was glad to see the second leg appear. Had me worried. A pretty bird.

  7. whatever you call em...they're cool birds :)

  8. Great pics - I like how you captured this bird standing one-legged.

  9. Beautiful images of the Redshanks, thanks for your politics.

  10. Sad to read about all the different birds in population decline.

    But, Stewart, the photos you share are marvelous. Love how it's posing for your camera lens.

  11. Very nice Stewart. Great capture of him standing on one leg.

  12. very impressive captures... beautiful bird. love how it's balanced on one leg... it's putting on a good show. have a great night~

  13. Nice perch for this pretty bird, and the meadow of yellow flowers makes a perfect background. We have bird populations in trouble here, too. Lots of changes taking place in many areas.

  14. Your photography as always is absolutely brilliant. :)

  15. It looks like a very interesting environment and of course the bird is wonderful.

  16. I was in England for 3 months in 2013 - would have liked to go birding, but it was hard without a car.

  17. Hi Stewart, sad how even the human's political decisions affect the world's wildlife and the environment. This Redshank is a neat bird - I love the stance as it watches for danger and/or food. Thanks for hosting this meme: it keeps me on my toes looking for and photographing birds during our South Africa winter! Greetings Jo

  18. great shots of the Redshank Stewart adn thanks for hosting.

  19. It's one of my favourite waders. I never tire of seeing or hearing them.

  20. There are two things I admire about this bird ... 1) he has skinny legs and 2) he can stand on one leg for a prolonged period of time. Now there was a time when I could have competed with him, but no longer :( I agree it is sad that the birds all over the world are losing their habitat and I also agree that the political situation in the UK is worrisome much the same as here in the US where policy is being dictated by special interest groups rather than having a good debate and letting the best man win. Well, I love your Redshank, Stewart ... great captures!

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  21. Stewart, great captures of this amazing bird. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Great shots, Stewart..Love the one legged stance!! I think all things wild are losing their habitat..very sad

  23. Do you mean to tell me that standing on one leg is an indication of territory and breeding? If that is the case, once again, you enlightened me, Stewart!!!...:)JP

  24. Lovely shots Stewart! I really need to get out and find some shorebirds near my new abode!
    And let's hope the governments don't screw everything up...

  25. Great shots of the one-legged stance.
