Tuesday 2 May 2017

Down by the Pond

Just to prove that I don't spend my whole life jetting of to far flung and exotic locations, these picture were taken next to the Freeway about ten minutes from my house!  As you may have guessed it was a busy weekend - but I sneaked out for an hour on Sunday, just to see what I could find.

And what I did find was a Dusky Moorhen, checking out its reflection, and some kind of rather weird and wonderful domestic duck hybrid sort of thing.  While the duck is clearly a 'plastic' - I did rather like it, especially its colours.

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. That is two more birds you have introduced me to Stewart,
    Thank you Gordon.

  2. Love these photos and especially the reflections. Have a good week Cheers Diane

  3. Beautiful birds specially like the first ones Reminds me of Rail birds or Rikse fugl as we call them here in Norway

    Greetings Anita

  4. Sometimes the best things are right in our own neighborhood!

  5. Lovely captures Stewart. I echo Linda W's comment - the attraction of far off places can so easily cause us to be blinkered to the beauty on offer closer to home.

  6. Those wacky Mallards always fooling around with other species to get us confused!
    It was nice to see that you weren't flying across the world...I was getting jealous.

  7. ah, enjoyed these shots

    I got some of my best avian shots at a flood tank just blocks away from my house. Tiny little place. But the water birds love it.

  8. That Duck is giving you what for!!! Great pictures..

  9. Wonderful reflections!
    Hope you are having a great day!

  10. That duck is certainly very brightly adorned. Nice images so close to home!

  11. I have to agree -- that duck is rather lovely looking! The reflections are great, too.
