Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 523 - Pied Oystercatchers

The Pied Oystercatcher (Haematopus longirostris) is a wonderful, robust shorebird that I always enjoy watching.  This is the Australian species (no surprise there!) and they are rather similar to the black and white Oystercatchers found in New Zealand and Europe.  

Generally this species is found on sandy beaches, although these were feeding on a rocky platform that was exposed at low tide.

I spent an enjoyable 1/2 with some of these birds when I was at Wilsons Promontory last weekend, although these pictures are from the East Coast of Tasmania.

As you can see this bird is not living up to its name, and is feeding on muscles!

To join in with WBW click on the blue button.  SM


  1. Hari OM
    They are indeed very similar to the many seen on these shores... though ours are, perhaps, just a little more 'squat' - like many of we Scots! YAM xx

  2. Great shots of a beautiful bird!

  3. A handsome bird quite similar to our oystercatcher.

  4. It's indeed a beautiful bird and your shots are awesome.

  5. Very nice bird and very similar with Eurasian Oystercatcher. I remember of amazing photograpies I have taken in Tasmania (Tessellated Pavement)
    Nice collection Stewart.

  6. Great photos of this beautiful bird!
    Have a blessed day!

  7. Always a healing pleasure to be with you Stewart

  8. Very nice pictures Stewart... Nice to see you... Cheers

  9. Yeah. I actually recognise this bird.

  10. Hello Stewart. I really like Oystercatchers -- I *:think* these are the same kind we see over here on this side of the pond. I blog no more than once a week now and feel accomplished if I even have the energy to get back to anyone who leaves a comment. Thus I have fallen hopelessly behind on many of my favorite people. I came today and scrolled back a bunch of weeks on yours and am so sorry to learn that you and your family have been going through Covid. I hope all are improving now. What an awful few months/years/eons it seems like! Because I blog so seldom now I combine all my interests -- whatever I'm lucky enough to get pictures of -- and though birds are often in my posts they are almost never *all* that are in there. I just don't feel like these combo posts are good enough to interes "real" birders so that's why I haven't been linking in to WBW. I really appreciate all you do for blogland though and I learn something from yours and the people who link every time I come by. I will try harder to check in weekly!!

  11. I love that orange beak and feet.

  12. Beautiful bird and love the photos, Cheers Diane
