Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 524

The Sooty Oystercatcher (Haematopus fuliginosus) is a close relation of last weeks Pied Oystercatcher, and its also I bird I have a lot of time for!

Often found on rocky coasts, this bird was on a sandy beach at Wilsons Promontory.  If the truth be told the beaches at the Prom are a reliable site for these birds, even if the book say they favour rocky areas! I may be being unfair to conventional wisdom here, as there are large areas of rocks at the ends of most beaches at the Prom.

I really like the reflections in these pictures.

You can see that this bird has been banded / ringed and given another plastic ID ring.  Science in action!

As ever, to join in with WBW, click the big blue button.  SM


  1. Great shots of this wader and you are correct, wonderful reflections. Hope you are having a great time away. Enjoy and thanks for hosting.

  2. This is a beauty too. Great photos with the shadows included.

  3. So similar to our black oystercatchers. Seems only difference is the color of the eye. Ours has yellow eyes whereas these have red eyes. Neat stuff.

  4. Hari OM
    A lovely series - but somehow that second one delights me; as if it was thinking that water is darned cold! YAM xx

  5. Very nice poses. I liked the stretch. Not sure I see the platic ring-- perhaps above the left "knee" but seems not be very visible in the field.

  6. I thought maybe he had bandaged his ankles! I know how that feels!

  7. Oh he's a beauty. It's definitely last week's Oyster Catcher I've seen both here in Oregon and in Florida. I'd love to be able to add this one.
