Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 529 - Australian Magpie.

There are signs that spring is in the air in Melbourne - there are young leaves on some trees, some have blossom and the swooping season for Magpies is underway!

Australian Magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) are songbirds, and are not closely related to the Magpies found in the UK, which are a type of crow. The Australian Magpie's closest relative is in fact the Black Butcherbird.

In the spring this species becomes a bit territorial, and can be a bit aggressive to other birds and people.  In fact, some Magpies become 'problem' birds by continually swooping people.  This can cause injury, and many people have story about magpies that hate them!  This is not completely fanciful, as magpies have been found to be able to recognise and remember people.

To avoid getting in the bad-books of any of our local birds I always greet them with a "Well Hello Mr. Magpie!" in the hope they will recognise me as a friend and supporter!  So far this diplomatic approach has been successful and the Maggies seem to let me be. 

Magpies also have wonderful voices, and while it may not be the best recording this video captures some of their song.

Here are some images of my local birds.

As ever, to join in with WBW click on the link below.  SM


  1. Hari Om
    Sigh... one of my all-time faves. Thanks for the vid clip, Stewart. YAM xx

  2. I have never heard magpies of any kind. Thank you.

  3. An interesting post. Stewart. Thank you for sharing. Yes, I think the birds know you are their friend

  4. Loved the little video and the call of these birds They sing beautifully Stewart. Thanks for hosting and I hope you you have a good week ahead. Enjoy your public holiday next Monday.

  5. They have a cheery call. They probably will not bother anyone who smiles when they hear it.

  6. Beautiful bird Stewart. It's different from ours.
