Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Wild Bird Wednesday 535 - Sooty Oystercatcher

These Sooty Oystercatchers (Haematopus fuliginosus) landed on the beach at Walkerville, wandered about for a brief while and then took off again.  They were never in great light - but I kind of like what I was able to do with them in the breaking waves.

Anyway, I normally see this species in more rocky coastlines, so maybe that's where they were going when they left.

Oystercatchers of any kind are some of my favourite birds, I could watch them for ages.

The pictures look much better if you click on them!

As ever, to join in with WBW, click on the link below.  SM


  1. Hari OM
    I can watch wading birds of all sorts for as long as time permits - there is somehow always that lingering thought that at anytime they might become comic characters... YAM xx

  2. They are very striking birds, Stewart

  3. I started printing out what Cloudia just said! Striking birds indeed! They came out of their rocky habitat just for your photo shoot.

  4. Hello Stewart Your shots look pretty sharp to me, and of a lovely bird. The Sooty Oyster Catcher is a great looking bird.

  5. Mine are sooty too this week - but yours are sootier! Great pics!

  6. Wonderful photos, I love these birds. Hope all is well. Have a good weekend, Diane

  7. Très belle série Stewart. Je me souviens bien de la joie éprouvée en rencontrant ces oiseaux de rivage. Ils sont spéciaux.
    À bientôt

  8. Right place at the right time, still great shots even though the light wasn't helpful
