Monday 1 October 2012

Our World Tuesday - Water in the Desert

One of the strangest things about Dubai was the way that water was used.

This is a country that has very little water.  Much of what it does used is produced by de-slaination, which is not an energy poor process.  Yet in the Dubai mall there was a huge aquarium containing a vast amount of water and an artificial waterfall complete with metallic divers.  You could either see it as a form of madness, or more charitably as a sign of the "can do" attitude that has built the city.

Which ever way you choose to see it, there is no denying that both uses of the water are pretty remarkable.

You can find more pictures from around the world at Our World Tuesday.

You can find the latest post to my other blog by clicking on the Paying Ready Attention image on the RHS of the page.

Enjoy the pictures.


  1. Wow, that is a huge aquarium! Was it saltwater or freshwater? The diver is really cool!

  2. That place is really something, isn't it? Amazing the feats that humans can accomplish with enough money and determination. Love the diver and that aquarium is awesome!

  3. What an awesome aquarium indeed! I, too, love the diver! Terrific captures for the day, Stewart!!

  4. interesting - like you said, an image of opulence all the way around.

  5. Conspicuous consumerism doesn't just belong to my country apparently ;>)

  6. I guess they do everything big there. The aquarium lots amazing.

  7. That is a huge aquarium! Love the diver in the waterfall. Lovely.

  8. you are right, it is very nice.

    But, about energy, don´t they use a lot of solar energy? I think so.

    Here is mine, in Sweden this time. :)

  9. It is such an interesting country. - Margy

  10. Both are beautiful, but the question you asked still remains. I'm thinking nobody is dying of thirst there, they have plenty of money, so more power to them I guess. We REALLY need to get into desalination in my part of the world also.

  11. Great shots Stewart. That aquarium has an "electric" quality to it - the blue is stunning.
