Sunday 20 January 2013

Macro Monday - Green Rosella

I been away in Tasmania for a couple of weeks - so if I did not reply to one of your comments it may have been due to technological limitations, rather than my bad manners!

I'm trying to get organised so this is just a quick post.

One morning I found a Green Rosella below one of the large windows of the house we were renting.  Unfortunately it was stone dead.  I could not help but notice the beautiful plumage - or be reminded of a certain Monty Python sketch!

I was half asleep, but I was also aware of the bird lice walking about on the parrots feathers, so it was all a bit rushed!  When I found one on my leg I gave up and went to get a cup of tea!  When I got back to the parrot, the ants had found it as well!

So,this is the best image I came up with!

You can find more macro images here at Macro Monday.

Enjoy the close ups.


  1. Sad to see, but a beautiful colour and close up Stewart.

  2. Sorry it died, but the color and detail you captured on the feathers are so wonderful! Hope you're having some fun on your trip and escaped any bug infestations. :/

  3. Beautiful feathers, it is a sad sight to see. Hope you had a great trip. Is this where the fires are happening?

  4. another blogger posted a pic yesterday of a starling's feathers, dead from a collision with a window. makes beautiful photos. :)

  5. We all have to go some day even the parrot! I love the pattern of the feathers.

  6. Beautiful picture of such beautiful feathers, sad though :(

  7. Hallo Stewart!I have a photo of a Rosella bird,eatind on my fathers table,in his balcony,in Brisbane!!Every day the Rosella birds are visiting him!!So funny!The colors are the same like yours!!Nice shot!!Have a lovely week!

  8. Very nice capture of the plumage! I thought you will post the photo of the lice, haha!

  9. Unfortunate circumstances, but a terrific macro Stewart!

  10. The feathers are just beautiful! I love the lacy pattern.

  11. Such a pretty pattern of feathers.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  12. Nice photo, even though it was sad to find the bird dead. Do you think it flew into the window and broke its neck? :(

    Don't worry too much about bird lice. They're nasty, creepy little things, but they won't live on you. You're not hot enough!

  13. It's always sad to find a dead bird, Stewart, but I still find it amazing as to just how few we do find when you consider how many birds must die each year. The evidence must be removed or hidden by nature very quickly.

  14. Beautiful details, too bad the bird was dead.

  15. Lovely feathers.

  16. Aw, sorry the bird met its demise. Gotta outrun the bugs! LOL
