Tuesday 3 June 2014


Sunday morning was taken up with a karate competition - for H rather than me I have to add.

H did well!

Everybody (including me) was taking heaps of pictures of their own kids, but a few other things caught my eye as well!

You can find more shots from around the world at Our World Tuesday.


  1. What a fun look at your world today!! Great captures as always!! Hope your week is off to a good start! Enjoy!

  2. Fun captures Stewart. Glad that H did well. Have a great day sir!

  3. Congrats to H! Great shots, enjoy your week!

  4. Aan het aantal te zien moest er heel wat gebeuren.

  5. Yay for H!!! Great pics, Stewart!

  6. lovely account on this special event Stewart

  7. Nice photos, especially the last one.

  8. That is a wonderful sport for a young man to participate in ... it was a wise choice because there is so much more to learn in Karate than just the skills involved. It doesn't suprise me that "H" did well as he seems to do well in most things he does. And,after all,he does have you to take after, right? How could he go wrong?
    Your choice of pictures is superb. They speak volumes and they are great shots. I am assuming those are "H"'s hot shoes in the last picture, with his trophy of triumph:) Congratulations "H" (and Dad) ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  9. Good pix (the Judge looks a little distressed at her rating). I remember when our two oldest grandkids were enrolled in Karate. Our g-daughter did OK but had a hard time learning to yell (I know there's a better word) forcefully. Grandson had no problem with that or with anything else. I am so old that even that was a long time ago. (They are in their early 30s now.)

  10. Looks like a fun event. I like your different shots today.

  11. Beautiful photos Stewart.
    Congratulations to H.
    Greetings Irma

  12. Looks like a great meet!! Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

  13. Did "H" win one of the little golden fellows? It seems that you and "H" had a great day!

  14. I feel it is important that Dad's should fully participate in their son's hobbies - not just photograph them. :)

    Nice picture of the judge by the way.

  15. Nice shots of the competition from a different perspective.

  16. Hope you took a bootfull of trophies home :)

  17. HA! I do the same type of thing when I'm places. You just never know what you'll find, if you just look.

    I really like the three trophies with the red Gi (or shirt) as the background.
