Saturday 9 April 2016

The Light on the Hill

I have taken some picture of this building before - but this weeks 52Frames challenge was 'Magic Hour' - so this seemed perfect.

Also, this has not been a good week for inspirational political leadership - tax evasion, the rhetoric of hate and divisive funding decisions do not make for much confidence.  So, maybe, we need some Light on the Hill.


  1. It is ia lovely light! But Are you talking about the US? We could definitely use some light on our political campaign and on the Hill in Washington DC where Congress meets. If you are talking about Australia, I don't know if I would be sad or happy to know we are not alone in the insanity.

  2. Sparkling! I echo Sallie's (FullTime-Life) sentiments.

  3. Oh, Stewart, let's not talk about needing a Light on the Hill!!! And I'll second what Sallie said above.

  4. Ach!!! Politics is the bain of our existence in the free world!!! Our Presidential election is cra-a-a-zy!!!!

  5. I hate politics!!!! They always need a light to lead them but they don't follow!! Diane

  6. The city lights, fantastic Stewart.

  7. Hello, Stewart, beautiful lights and reflection. Have a happy weekend!

  8. ohhhhh...punch up the vibrancy and highlights...and repost? Great shot...but a little sizzle would make it pop. Just thinking out loud, here.

  9. Yes, we need some light on our hill too. The tax schemes know no boundaries.

  10. You have lots of company..Our political system..State and Federal is a sham...a real mess...Pretty reflection..

  11. So what is it, a disease? Have all old white guys gone off the deep end? We have the worst state of affairs I can remember in my lifetime and it seems to get worse by the day. I wish shining a light on it would work, but to make matters worse our media is owned my many of the culprits and truth isn't even mentioned ... it is all lies or distortions of the truth that will make people follow the agenda of the very rich (top 1%)who , at the moment, are running this show. The fix doesn't seem to come to mind. Is it hopeless? I sure hope not, but I may never see things as they should be in my life time ... so sad :(

    Andrea @ From The Sol
