Wednesday 6 December 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday 280 - Crested Tern

Crested Terns (Thalasseus bergii) is one of Australias most widespread terns - being found around the  entire coast of the country.  It is also rather most tolerant of people with lenses than most other terns.

These birds were loafing about on an old - and infrequently used - jetty at Apollo Bay in Victoria.  There was not really much going on with the birds - they were just sitting around, preening no and then and occasionally briefly flapping the wings.  They normally did the wing flapping when the lens was not on them! Although I did manage to get one bird mid-flap.

Not much else to say - these are splendid birds, and I enjoyed sitting down with them for an hour or so!

To join in with WBW just click the blue button below the thumbnails.  This is the 280th time I have posted for WBW (!) and I can't help but notice that the numbers of participants are slowly falling.  So, if you know of any bloggers who have stopped sharing, give them a nudge.  And if you have found any new bloggers that may be interested, give them a nudge too!  I'll keep running WBW as long as people keep joining in.  SM


  1. Thanks for the link-up Stewart. Shame that participants are dropping off. I have noticed that blogging seems to be past its peak so it's not just you experiencing this.

  2. I love all terns so this one is no exception. Gret shots of them.

    It is not only this meme that is dropping. It seems to me that all are. At least everyone I am joining in. I think people think it is easier to share on Instagram and other places. The black and white meme used to have around 120 participants and now they are down to 22-30. Even OWT and skywatch are dropping a lot. :(

  3. Handsome terns with unusually long and slender bills. Thanks for hosting and for your dedication!

  4. Hari OM
    They're just pretty. That's all there is to it. YAM xx

  5. I love love lover terns. Very cool pics!

    Search engines are different. Thank you as always for hosting. We are all taking a hit on the blogger. It's just not the same as it was. But then again, I am still meeting people that read my blog. I post my weekly write on facebook and through that means, I'm able to connect with a lot of people.

  6. Love the terns. We see the late summer here.

  7. Yeah, our terns are a little indifferent too.

  8. Nice looking birds, and great photos of them Stewart.

  9. Terns are quite magnificent I find, and have an understated elegance all their own.

  10. Stewart, our terns are mostly Caspian Terns. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Being tolerant of people with lenses is a great quality!

  12. Stewart, because it's you, I can tell you this. When I scrolled to the photo with the tern's mouth open, I couldn't help but think voicing "dissatisfaction" to my husband!!! ...:)JP

  13. Great Tern pics..Looks like they have quite a wing span..

  14. Great photos. I like terns.

  15. They are beautiful. I saw Royal Terns in Florida last first ever. These look very much like them...very nice~

  16. Thank you as always for hosting. We are all taking a hit on the blogger. It's just not the same as it was. But then again,
